Chapter 246

Isaac struggled with all his might for several attempts, but Estrella remained as still as a statue, not budging an inch from Isaac’s embrace.

Looking down at Isaac, Jason couldn’t help but chuckle. Seeing Isaac huffing and puffing from the effort, he said, “Let me handle this. You’ve got a good ten years before you can try again.” In ten years, Isaac might still not be able to lift his mom himself.

Unable to move Estrella, Isaac reluctantly stepped aside to let Jason take over. Watching Jason lift Estrella with ease, Isaac couldn’t hide his envy.

Jason tiptoed to lay Estrella on the bed, and as he pulled the covers over her, he instinctively planted a kiss on her lips.

Isaac, standing beside Jason, was taken aback at the sight of Jason kissing Estrella’s mouth. The next second, Isaac’s little arms shoved Jason forcefully to the side, forbidding him from touching Estrella again.

Isaac had sort of liked Jason before, and he was even considering letting Jason be his dad. But now this guy was trying to steal his mom, kissing his Estrella.

Isaac couldn’t swallow this affront.

For a moment, Jason was dumbfounded. What triggered this sudden outburst? His hand resting on Isaac’s head, Jason asked, “Isaac, we’re all men here. If you’ve got something to say, just spit it out.”

Despite Jason’s words, Isaac was still seething, balling his little fists and pacing around the room in a huff.

Jason muttered to himself. Whose hot temper did this kid inherit? What kind of guy did Estrella find out there that they ended up with such a fiery little one?

really seeing what Isaac was made of. On reflection, the

slowly piecing together the clues. “You’re mad because I shouldn’t have kissed your

that Jason got the point, crossed his arms over his chest and

“Kid, we need to talk. She’s my wife, and it’s legal for me to kiss her.” At this moment, Jason shamelessly took advantage of Isaac’s lack of

his arms even tighter, the scowl on his face intensifying. Estrella was his, all his.

at Jason, Isaac had made up his mind. He didn’t want this dad anymore. He would

wife’s love, he might swear off the idea of

kid’s jealousy reminded him so much of

Jason saw the hostility in Isaac’s gaze and said, “Alright, when you grow up, I’ll find you

hospital bed, only to see Isaac dash over and cover her mouth, afraid Jason would kiss her again. Jason burst into laughter, feeling all the more that Isaac’s antics were just like his

bit of commotion, and a promise from Jason not to steal any more kisses

Isaac and Jason were each seated on a sofa, hostility and defiance still evident

night before to remember falling asleep. Luckily Isaac was here; who knows what might have

Didn’t he like Jason before, even wanting him for a dad?

that innocent

asked, bewildered, “What happened last

transpired between the two men after she had fallen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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