Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife

“What should we do? My mom might die if she delays

getting the surgery!” Frederick finally broke down and

started sobbing in front of Emmanuel.


Emmanuel let out a sigh and said, “Please don’t cry. Let

me try asking my wife. I’m sure she will lend it to you!”

In reality, Emmanuel was not sure if Mackenzie would

agree to help.

However, both of them had run out of ideas.

With their social status, it wouldn’t be easy for them to

borrow three hundred thousand in such a short period of time.

“Your wife?” Frederick was so shocked that his tears stopped at once. “Emmanuel, have you gone crazy as well? Since when did you have a wife?”

Not knowing how to explain the situation, Emmanuel merely smiled helplessly before calling Mackenzie.

After the previous day’s incident, Emmanuel had

memorized Mackenzie’s number in case she blocked

him on WhatsApp again.

“Hello. What’s up?”

Emmanuel was relieved that the woman had picked

up his call. Besides, from the clear tone and steady

pace of her voice, it did not seem like she was in a

meeting or in a rush.

“Ms. Quillen, I would like to borrow some money from

you,” Emmanuel stated the purpose of his call directly

without beating around the bush.

Ms. Quillen? Frederick was stunned. Is she really his

wife? Why would he be addressing his wife that way?

“Borrow money?”

Mackenzie froze at Emmanuel’s words. After returning

to her senses a moment later, an amused smirk crept

across her face.

Before receiving Emmanuel’s call, she was having

doubts after what happened the night before, thinking

that the man might not have married her for her

after all. Is he already showing his

skepticism, she asked, “How much do


and twenty-eight thousand!”

replied at once.

and he had managed to

thousand thus far,

the remaining balance

aroused at once.

it when I offered

you’re asking to borrow

twenty-eight thousand from me?”

Will you lend it to



pitifully in front of

Beep… Beep…

hung up the phone without

between Emmanuel’s

heard the disconnection



had yet to fully process the

he was talking to

more like he was requesting a favor


should try borrowing from

sharks instead…”

did not want to put his best friend


but Frederick was

sharks would lend him

straight away.

do that!” Emmanuel objected. “You



the two of them were feeling

on his phone:

Has a Wite

hundred thousand wired to


What the heck?


hardly believe his

his gaze


She… Is

was certain that she had no

had instantly transferred

almost twice

had asked for.

simply smiled without replying.

help but feel embarrassed when

face. It was as though the latter

living off

apart from knowing that Mackenzie

a company, he had

and how wealthy she

unable to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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