Chapter 33

“Mr. Doyle’s mother is a good friend of Ms. Lorelei. Since

he’s questioning the validity of someone’s presence, it’s

naturally my job as the person in charge to sort this

out!” replied Adam.

Adam then added, “Since I’ve never seen this

gentleman before and his clothing seems quite out of

place for a banquet like this, I need him to show me an


Given that it was a reasonable answer, Roselynn could

not refute it.

What do I do?

What’s more, someone suddenly shouted, “His name is

Emmanuel Lowe, and he is a gynecologist. I daresay

that he snuck inside without an invitation!”

Milani had been waiting for this opportunity for a long

time. How could she pass up a chance at revenge?

She really wanted to see Emmanuel being kicked out

in full view. It was going to be satisfying, and it could

allow her to vent her hatred.

“Right! Just look at his outfit! He claims that he

received an invitation to this banquet. I refuse to

believe it!”

As soon as Milani spoke, the women surrounding her

echoed in agreement.

The one thing a banquet like this did not lack were

lapdogs and self–righteous women. They were fond of

using someone’s allegedly lowly status to elevate


Right now, Emmanuel was nothing but a lowly

miscreant to them.

“Sir, please show me your invitation now. Otherwise,

you can’t blame us for being rude.”

Adam’s expression had turned grim.

As the banquet manager, Adam could be blamed for

negligence if someone slipped inside amid all this

confusion. If the situation continued to escalate, it was

going to be hard for Adam to explain what happened.

“I don’t have an invitation,” confessed Emmanuel.

Roselynn looked on helplessly because her invitation

did not qualify her to be on the third floor, let alone

bring in a stranger.

This scene caused an uproar.

“Ms. Roselynn, this man is riffraff! He has no business

being with you. Come over to my side!”

smile finally made its

showing off

to conceal

Emmanuel in his eyes.

indeed good–looking and skilled, but

identity or status. On top of that,

scum. What can he use to compete against

outrage! How


an even bigger deal, Adam,


this to his superiors.

yet to alert

Otherwise, it was going to


you going to do


was very happy, and there was nothing

all over her

could not explain. If

to be

remain silent for the time

such a



had just

realized that a group

gathered in a corner.

hurried over to take a look and noticed that it

who were caught


a tight spot. What

muttered Claudette.

she saw so many people

for Emmanuel, Claudette


a very unique illness back then. She


In the end, Emmanuel, a male doctor,

who succeeded

disease of that nature was not going to be

single visit. To make a complete

many times

course, Claudette had undressed

Emmanuel too. It was quite embarrassing

think about.

was barely twenty years

a sense of loyalty, Claudette’s

this man’s character simply

had seen her body so

thing was

intent when he examined her. His clear



a liking for

which was

felt about other

then, Milani’s voice rang

For all we know, he’s

who snuck in to



saw this, she

present, she


that happened, Emmanuel

chance of proving

his brows. He didn’t think

to be

please accept my apology. I was the

who brought him in!”

Claudette finally

showed up, there was

a discreet

scion of the wealthy Lenoir family. There were

did not know

was also a classy beauty who had

had mixed feelings when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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