Chapter 36 – Night Out


“Cora, this is exactly what I needed!” I exclaim, raising my voice over the pounding music. “When was the last time we went out just for the fun of it?”

“I can’t even remember!” She shouts back, beaming as multi-colored strobe lights flash over her lovely features. “When was the last time you weren’t working or stuck taking care of that pr ick, Mike!?”

I don’t need to know the exact date to know it’s been ages – we haven’t had the freedom or money to go out in years, not that it had been much of an option beforehand. Cora always offered to pay my way of course, but I never felt comfortable accepting money from her, not to mention Mike would have accused me of trying to meet another man. Looking at my sister now, dancing without a care to the thumping bass, I’m transported back to the first night we ever snuck into a club.

We were fifteen years old, and it was our second summer living in the streets rather than suffering at the orphanage. We couldn’t survive the elements in the fall and winter, so we always ended up going back – but these summers were quickly becoming our escape from all the troubles of the broken system, and this night was our first foray into the world of grown up night life.

We befriended the bartender, convincing him we were much older than our true age and bribing him with the little money we could spare from our jobs at a local daycare center. He let us in without complaint, even offering us our first drink for free. It was the first taste of alcohol we’d ever consumed, and the only amount we’d consume that night. We were determined to save our money so we could afford an apartment together one day – even if that meant sleeping in cardboard boxes in the park, or crashing on the floor of the daycare center in the meantime.

“This is amazing!” I cried, dancing without any inhibitions, raising my arms over my head as I swayed to the hypnotic beat.

“I never knew it could be so fun!” Cora replied happily. “Why isn’t dancing around in the dark at home this great?”

music,” I laugh, “or do anything even remotely

time!” She suggests, obviously trying to figure out when we might be able

occasion, so I throw out, “The last night of summer! Before we go back

with us changing in the children’s restroom at work, trying our best to look grown up, and bribing our way in through the back door.

me by the hand and began grinding his body against mine, gripping me so tightly I couldn’t escape his hold no matter how hard I struggled. He pulled me away from Cora from the start, but I didn’t truly panic until he began dragging me towards the bathroom. The music was so loud that no one

no intention

a handsome man who hit on her at the bar, looking as though she’s having the time of

I wave her off, “You stay and

to retrieve my coat from the coat check. The bracing cold is an utter relief after

to clear my mind, to get myself back to that happy haze of a

the elements the way others do – the sound of clinking glass shatters the silence. I whip around, startling at the sudden sound. I’m out behind the club, where there shouldn’t be anyone else

as I watch, four shadowy figures emerge from the darkness. I know they’re shifters the moment I lay eyes on them – though I”m not sure how. Each one of the rough, ragged looking men is twice my

reality. Since we came out I haven’t thought about wolves, shifters, Sinclair or the campaign

you want?” I demand, trying to sound braver than I feel. “If it’s money, I’ll give it to you, but you

me laughs, a cruel, humorless sound.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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