Anonymous pov

"What do you mean the deal is off?" He yelled through the phone, and I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"When I say it's off I mean it's off! Good luck with your life but you won't hear from me again" I said in an evenly irritated tone.

"Oh we shall see about that"

And with that, the line went dead. I buried my head in my hands, exasperated because I knew this won't be the end of it.


I looked up, forgetting she was in the room with me. I simply shook my head, as I couldn't find the strength to speak. Her chest rose in anger as she looked at me as if I was the worst person in the world.

"Well you're on your own with this one. I told you not to, but you did anyway! Do whatever you want, but leave me and the people I care about out of it"

With that, she stormed out of the room.

I really dug myself deep in this one.


-Victoria's pov-

It's been a whole 24 hours and Luka hasn't started talking about his wolfy thing as yet. I had a feeling that he was stalling, but I couldn't go another day without knowing everything.

I just got back from my shift at the diner and I was determined to go have that talk he promised. Buuuutttt right after I get a shower.

Feeling refreshed and somewhat confident, I marched down the hall to the familiar double doored bedroom I knew so well. As I was about to knock, the door flew open revealing a half naked Luka with wet hair, looking sexy and all. Just like in my dream.

"Oh hey. I was on my way to go get a snack. You want one? You can wait in here till I get back" He said as he stepped aside to let me in.

I held up the snacks in my hand, indicating that I already got them before I came upstairs.

You see, Luka was such a baby sometimes. Every night about three hours after dinner, he would go get a snack and bring back to his room. I often wondered how he was still so fit.

Smiling a little, he closed the door and sat on the bed next to me. I climbed up further onto the bed, leaning up against the bed-head as he followed my movements. For someone so disconnected from the world and people, he surely doesn't mind sharing his space with me. Every time I came in here, I always treated his room as my own and he didn't seem to mind.

"So what's up?" He asked as I handed him a snack.

" We have to talk, remember" I retorted with an eye roll.

"Talk about what?"

gave him a deadpanned

want to know?" He


"Well we're werewolves" He stated, then


can't with this

Luka you said we

nail right on the

Ashley tell you?" He asked after

that you guys live together and away from humans. She told me about rogues and mates" I noticed that he tensed up when I said mates. He was quiet for a while, then he

or very down low. The few humans who

must be really

Some people may want to use us to make money or do all sorts of experiments to be like us. You have to understand our terms" He clarified, seemingly having seen my reaction. I nodded in understanding,

respected among pack members. You'll learn more along the way,


command, they usually help with running


pack, The Brightwater Pack" He smiled, looking proud. My eyes widened in realization. The Alpha, Beta and Gamma live

are they?" I asked,

mates. When Ty finds his mate, she'll be the Luna, as in the Alpha female" He looked straight ahead with

the Alpha?" I asked, feeling somewhat biased. They're brothers so I

it. "Emma and I are Alpha bloods, so we live here also. Our parents use to live here,

to move out?" I asked, not really liking this

laughed but I didn't get the joke. "It's just how things work around here. We don't mind. They're a lot of places in the pack where we can

you have a mate?" I asked, just realizing I didn't

I realized I didn't hear an answer, I glanced at him to see him staring at a wall, looking hurt and highly conflicted. I suddenly regretted asking


here" He gritted out without looking at


bed without a word. Making my way to the door, I glanced at

croaked out, and I saw him

got here, I've seen him act this way towards others before, but when he just did it

more than I thought. It's weird actually. I just found

Story of my life.

to take it early tonight. Velma has been doing better and I want to get to the hospital

so upset. Did something happen to his mate? Has he not found her

talk to him about. But if we're gonna be friends and live in the

he doesn't want to talk about the whole Alpha and mate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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