Alpha's Nala

Chapter 7. Mating Season


The route going to the stage was a long one since the bar Harry owns was designed to resemble more of a fashion runway than that normal bar layout. So to keep the silence away, Harry and I conversed while walking the wooden pathway.

“So, I heard you have werewolf problems at the hotel nowadays. How is it?” He inquired, walking beside me, all serious now.

“It's good,,, I guess. A lot of drama to entertain us...” I stated, trying to sound amused though, I ended up sounding disturbed.

Harry noticed.

“Oh, how many episodes this time?” His face looked truly interested now, which is quite new since Harry never involves himself with Hotel issues.

Not unless it affects Ms. Dawn...

As the thought popped inside my head, my eyes snapped at Harry and stared at him funny. Then, without warning, my thoughts went right into analyzing the two's relationship.

I know, I may be assuming this, but I've seen them care for each other before.

They respect one another as well,

They even talk sincerely about anything and everything, and sometimes laugh like there's no tomorrow,

Occasionally, I get to see them go out on the weekends — guessing dinner dates,

They also go out to the movies,

And once, I did notice how intimate their gestures are. Like how Harry kisses Ms. Dawn's hand in greeting, or Ms. Dawn kissing Harry's cheek a goodbye...

Oh, gosh! Legaxy, stop! You sounded like a creepy stalker!

I scolded myself as I felt my cheeks warm up.

However, it does make me question the obvious...

Could they actually be...?

“Ah hello? Legaxy to earth, earth to Legaxy...” Harry snapped his fingers in front of my face a couple of times, trying to get my full attention.

I blinked before changing my curious glare into a more friendly gaze at him — still thinking about the two's relationship in the back of my mind.

“We have six, this week,” I quickly reply, blinking some more at a mad Harry.

As much as I'm fascinated by their strange closeness, I simply can't upset Harry right now. 

Like, really NOT upset him.


Because he's a WEREWOLF...

Seriously, I need to be as careful and as attentive as possible in communicating with him, and particularly, these are his brothers we're speaking about.

Yeah, his werewolf brothers which remind me...

Having to have observed the werewolf guests' behavior towards my colleagues this past few weeks, and having no explanation to help our company to address their violent moods, kinda made me wonder if I should open up with Harry regarding this matter.

Should I really?

Well, he is the only werewolf I know. So, it's safe to say that maybe telling him the truth would enlighten me about their intense 'mood swings' — ooooooor should I not?

A tempting idea, right?

But, I know deep down, it's worth a shot...

to him without actually offending him or

I zoned out

TSK, focus Legaxy...

snapped out from my reverie and glanced at Harry. Thankfully, he was in deep thought — he

depressing for your boss then?” Harry finally utter, sadness with a mix of disappointment was clear in his eyes.

could only

is. Though, she's still in one piece... That's a good sign, right?” I countered playfully, trying to

actually works; Harry

about was work, organization, and calm talk. But with you around, she seemed to slow down a

I never knew that...

with Harry blurting that out like that, it kind of caught me off guard — my cheeks

finally said, wrinkling my small nose as if to hide the blush I had, “I still

He chuckled.

even if she clearly instructs

I smirked.


cannot contain his amusement anymore, laughed his hearty

stop after quickly realizing how fond Harry is

started all of a sudden — curiosity got the best of me,

just friends, not mates — if that's what you're referring to.”

My eyes widened. BUSTED.

am not a... I just, I...” I

shook his head while a small smile

open up that easily, unless you matter deeply to her

mate's name, Harry's face softens and beamed with pure


a real werewolf mate? But she never told me anything about that or even

Ms. Dawn as much as I

to ask more but Harry, seeing what I was

werewolf crises at the hotel were enough reason for me to gladly accept the change

ask Ms. Dawn regarding her 'mate' stuff

I'm so sorry about that.”

No big

and for once, he raised a

yourself kid. You know that doesn't work

my statement, but realizing werewolves can easily sense a lie, I dropped the act and

let out a sigh of

be honest, there's something weird about your brothers lately...” I confessed, my brain recalling the observations I had regarding

admission that he stopped walking. I did the same and watched him blink a couple of times before speaking again.

In what way now?”

seriously, “I know we already have experienced this before, but unlike those days, these cases on hand grew by ten folds. And for each case to transpire for only

eyebrows in confusion.

“So tell me, what did you REALLY notice nowadays?” He

his poker face and creased my

cases like this occur only once or twice a month at the hotel — as far as I'm aware.” I started, “Now this month came. The incident reports rapidly piles up, and it's been happening

a moment as if absorbing

month is it now again?”


realization. Then, his hearty laughter boomed inside the now busy


and flash a

time when all werewolves find their soul mates.” He announced, resolving my unasked question.

only snort, which earned me a frown from

that already Harry,” I informed him, “What I meant by what I said earlier was that, their behavior seems so destructive this month. They are very aggressive and they easily snap. They

his glare turned into a thoughtful expression.

his beard absentmindedly —


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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