Alpha's Nala

Chapter 11. Witches


She must have noticed me blushing furiously now; my face bright red from the ‘delicate’ subject.

Understanding my reaction, and fully realizing I was really a ‘V’ who was so new to her world, I noticed her — from the corner of my eye — shooting me another disbelief look before shrugging her slim shoulders.

“Wow... Well I, uh, never expected that. Still, I should have known better. I'm sorry, Dyme... Just act like you never heard it from me, okay?” Rain stuttered while brushing her black-brown, semi-curly, long hair with her fingertips.

I shifted my eyes to look at her again, and from there, she flashes me her thin, awkward smile.

“Thanks, Rain.” I flash her another one of my thin but warm smiles, “I'm sorry though if I lack knowledge in that department. Guess, I'm no fun to talk to now...” I stated, biting my bottom lip again.

“Pssh, bitch, please. People nowadays are not that knowledgable unless they experience it first hand…” Rain started, sitting gracefully in one of my seats which was facing the front of my desk, “And besides, I like my girlfriends innocent. Gives me the sole purpose to ruin them… FOR GOOD.” She added with an evil smirk.

Already heard that from her and knowing she failed to fulfill that objective on me — and still trying, I rolled my eyes at her.

Rain chuckled. However, still in disbelief, she eyed me intently; One hand, palm down, under her chin while the other rests on my table.

“So, you're a virgin, huh?” She started, her eyes blazing with pure curiosity and interest, “Mind telling me why, at the age of 21, you still have your V-card? I mean, no offense but women your age already had many experiences being ravished and used. Yet you,,, you're still untouched like a new bloomed rose.” She paused and a hint of devilish excitement appeared on her face.

I narrowed my eyes at her in suspicion.

She only smirks at me.

when it comes to protecting their one and only gem. Sure, very precious move,” She chatters again, “Though, I gotta remind you, bitch, that pretty body of yours can't pleasure itself. It needs a man's magic touch... Like a

SEXY men, aren't you?” I teased, earning me a glare

on me, Legaxy Dyme, and for the love of moratorium, answer my god damn question

would be a very serious subject, I let

real focal point then,” I started nonchalantly while straightening myself up on my armchair, “I don't like being place UNDER the society by men, Rain. I prefer to be treated as an EQUAL. However, men nowadays only recognize women as inferior; Sitting pretty, weak, a trophy wife — that kind of stuff, which is almost upsetting. They thought women are so easy, that they could always get what they want from them. I

an eyebrow at me, quite amused, while a ghost of a smirk playing on her

I deadpanned her.

just like to challenge men, to infuriate them... What's so wrong with that? I mean, it's my way to see how far they are willing to go just to have me... And I only needed to know if they would continue to pursue me, even if I was pushing them to their limit, breaking them piece by piece...

Rain only snorted.

“You just get to act as badass as ever, but deep down, your actually one of the good ones, Legx. The purest and truest among all souls and hearts I have ever known or seen... Rare quality for a human actually. A very rare quality and

her statement, I could only shrug my shoulders

mostly to herself now, as a small smile appeared

you say something

me before standing up from her seat, and eyed me for the last time, “So, back to the

I said NO. This

outfit. She's on tight black jeans and I don't know if it was a mocha sports bra or just a bralette I'm seeing, but it showed a lot of skin and I guess, a full view

too sexy alright. And well, that's definitely

many revealing clothes already. Though, knowing that she was a witch, kinda made me wonder if

witches' style, they somehow looked so formal; wearing long skirts or dresses, long sleeves or sweatshirts, and some long scarfs to hide half of their faces. That's how my Mum used to dress, not until she

know there's more to her story.

war decreased the vampires and witches' population, to the extent that they almost got extinct. So when coexistence became part of the law, everyone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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