Chapter 18

“Why are you just standing there? Hurry up and beg Mr. Spanner for forgiveness!” Chris chimed in, taking advantage of the situation to add to Dustin’s humiliation.

Chris was green with jealousy when Dustin was showing off earlier, so he was now

trying to get some payback.

“Will he kneel? Or will he not? If he does, he will forever be too ashamed to show his face. But if he doesn’t, he might be dead or maimed once Edward retaliates,” Chris thought.

“Hey punk, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance to make amends! I’ll spare you if you grovel at my feet today. If not, don’t blame me for being merciless.” Edward jabbed Dustin’s chest with his finger with a smug expression on his face.

“What does it matter if he knows how to fight when he has no power and no status? In the eyes of the public, he’s nothing more than a foot soldier,” he continued mentally.

“Are you aware that you’re playing with fire?” Dustin asked as he looked at Edward’s finger.

“Playing with fire?” Edward smirked. “Not only do I want to play with fire, but I also want to play with your woman! Believe it or not, I’m going to have my way with her tomorrow while you watch. And not only me, but my men will each get a turn as well, and I want you to watch it all helplessly. I want you to understand what it’s like to despair, to believe that living is worse than death!”

Dustin’s expression instantly turned thunderous at Edward’s words, and he could no longer hold back his rage.

“You asked for this!” he shouted as his hand shot forward to forcefully grab Edward by

the throat and lift him above his head.

He then raised his other hand and ruthlessly landed two punches on Edward’s abdomen.

Edward made a gagging sound as he felt his stomach churn, making him want to vomit, but he found that he couldn’t as his throat was being constricted.

His face soon turned red as he felt himself suffocating. Suddenly, he had a sense that he had made a grave mistake.

“Stop it!” Dahlia yelled, moving forward to intervene.

and dealt another vicious punch,

flesh being minced could be

as his body spasmed. He was in such excruciating pain that he couldn’t cry out even

he fainted.

as they

dreams would they ever imagine that Dustin could be so

Edward’s family

who would come after you for touching

Dustin had incurred Sir Spanner’s vengeful

expression changed drastically as she forcefully shoved Dustin. “Do you even know what

only a light injury or bruise, but there’s no way Trevor will let things

beaten to such a

did was take care of one of society’s scum, is that so wrong?”

is you shouldn’t have harmed


us all down with you if you’re so eager to die! Do you know what the consequences of harming Sir Spanner’s son are?” Chris‘ face was

harmed Edward, Chris had also shoved Edward previously; hence, he’s also worried that he wouldn’t be able to get away with it when Sir Spanner investigates

that’s enough! Since it’s come to this, you should hurry up and run.

here as you can while there’s still time!”


would surely be furious. And when that time came, Dustin would be at a dead end

of his forces.

to,” Dustin stated, his

you think, your martial arts.

to fight,

Furthermore, we should not interfere in matters unrelated to us in order to avoid bringing trouble upon ourselves.” Lyra

something had occurred to him. “What are we going to do if

Lyra chimed in, coming to the same realization. “If Dustin runs away, we’re going to be the ones who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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