Be My Mate

Chapter 2- It Never Ends

Sabrina's POV

Josey was definitely not okay and it was getting to me. Hiding out in Red Creek, avoiding her mates. I don't even understand why they were hostile to her, all because her vampire chose to be with Cayden after they died.

The twins were also taking part in the alpha trials but I need to pay them a visit.

"No. You can't do that. You can't fix everything for everyone. This is something Josey and her mates need to figure out themselves." My mother scolds walking in to my office.

I stand up to give her a hug, pulling away I nod my head in understanding.

"I just need them to know that their silent treatment is hurting Josey." I say sitting down and resting my head on the chair looking up at the high ceiling.

"I understand Josey is hurting but she needs to learn how to control her vampire. She can't rely on her wolf to tame that thing. If her human side can control her wolf, a very strong wolf then a silly vampire shouldn't be so difficult." My mother says.

This woman.

Quickly forgetting her part in all of this mess. Not even acknowledging the fact that we would never have been in this situation if she had fixed her issues a long time ago.

"You could have killed him you know. You knew the war that was coming and when we did not know why, you had the answer. Failed to give us the reason why vampires wanted to wage a war against us and watched your daughter become a vampire, going undercover to defeat the one vampire that just wanted to kill werewolves because of you." I say and my mother rolls her eyes.

blame game, it isn't. This is when you need to see your role in this, the biggest role of all. If you had at least told us why the vampires were coming for us, we would've acted differently. Josey would not be a vampire so before you stop me from meddling, remember that none of us wanted to be here but we are and we all know men can

I'm aware of my part in this but what's done is done. There is no going back to redo

mother and try offer Josey advice. How did Hunter take it after he found out you had Josey with an earthling? That should make for a good story." I say smiling at

very funny.." Mother says as Hunter

the cold shoulder for a very long time. I love Josey as my own now but I didn't

all the plans for my ascension ball. Good bye mother..." I say and my

down on one of the chairs opposite

and everyone is following the theme. There have been a few hiccups but nothing Evan couldn't handle. I'm just excited to see my little moon take the throne as our

I could bring Xander and

worried about the elders, I'll handle them." He says and I smile, jumping out

everyone will soon know


from Aiden right? Well, I don't think he will get the chance to

you mean?" I ask. No other lycan

Your brother is the one that will fight to the final, with Aiden." He says to me and I

alpha and a damn strong

true mate knows this. If he really wants to win your affection, he won't hurt your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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