Chapter 25

After the call with Jonah, Sean entered the office impatiently.

“Ms. Alyssa, Jasper Beckett is here again! He’s quite brazen, isn’t he? It’s a shame that he’s not an insurance agent,” Sean said.

“I’m impressed by his determination. He’s able to go this far for his loved one.”Alyssa kept signing the documents without looking up.

Nevertheless, Sean noticed the bitterness in her indifferent tone. He wondered if it was just his imagination.

“Ms. Alyssa, I will personally make sure he doesn’t come back this time.”

“No. Bring Jasper here.” Alyssa capped the pen and arched a brow.

“What?” Sean was surprised.

“He genuinely wants to meet me. I guess I should spare the president of Beckett Group some courtesy, shouldn’t I?”

Alyssa leaned forward and stretched her legs. Sean hurried over and slid the heels onto her feet.

with a sharp tongue. Look for one at the restaurants and cafés. I have something for her to do,” Alyssa

waitress to the office. She met the criteria Alyssa had

Alyssa,” Mia

I have a small mission for you. There will be a reward after that.”

my honor to be able to help you.” Mia blushed. “I’m a

shapes are

shoes too.”

“Huh? Okay

“Sean left in confusion.

Alyssa, how may I help you?” asked Mia

an appointment with Mr. Jasper later, but I couldn’t care less to

went weak after she heard

I’ll monitor the situation in the office. Wear wireless earphones. Just do as I say.

visits, Jasper finally got the chance to meet

his calm expression, emotions were stirring

Along the way, Jasper’s

stopped him. “This one is reserved for Ms. Alyssa.

great about her?” Xavier rolled

as he had his very own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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