Carrying the Alpha's Heir

Chapter 17: Honeymoon

Chapter 17: Honeymoon

Life has a lot of ways of giving blessings. Sometimes when we get too preoccupied by the evil things that surrounds us, we fail to see it the other way. We then perceive it negatively and tell everybody that we’re unlucky.

I was never raised that way. My mother taught me how to value things even those things is something beyond what I wanted. My mother taught me to appreciate, and love everything even if it pains. And what happened to me in that forest is something…beyond every pain that I’ve encountered. Because it took something from me. Then I realized, people have limits. I have my limits.

I slowly opened my eyes and my vision was so bright. Yesterday was my wedding day and they’ve asked me to sleep for the ritual. I know I already slept well enough, but I don’t know if they were successful with the ritual.

When I see my surroundings clearly, I saw an unfamiliar room. All was made of wood, from the ancient looking bed I am laying in, from the wooden wall- and painting?

I slowly get off to bed and went to the painting on the right side of the wall. My feet are bare, but the carpet is comforting me. The painting was a family picture. The woman is extremely gorgeous, and the man looks hard and rough. The woman is holding a baby, and from what I am seeing, there eyes were bright golden yellow and now I realized it’s his parents!

This is the first time I ever saw them. Vigor never really tells me anything and I understand that. It’s not like we are together then I am allowed to go pass his boundaries already- no, as I’ve said, I have limits.

After watching the painting for minutes, I held the sides of my gown and swayed round and round and smiled.

“I am mariieedd…” I shrieked and giggled.

I saw a body mirror on the left side so I went there to see myself.

I really thought I am still wearing my wedding gown, but I am just wearing a plain white dress. I don’t know if I’m just imaging things, but it seems like my skin was extra radiant today.

Well, maybe because I am married and happy that’s why I’m blooming?

I giggled and went to the bathroom to bath.

Everything is new to me. After bathing, I saw Vigor on the bed waiting for me. He is sitting there so handsome, but I don’t understand why he still looks so stoic even after marriage. Is that really his signature expression?

I smiled at him, “Hi, good morning.”

I feel shy damn. “Hi,” he

I will step forward or not, because he is looking at me flirtatiously.

I will get dress.” I said, trying to hold tightly on


I know we already did it

just wait outside.”

out a soft chuckle and grabbed me close to him.

my mouth when he slowly

savoring our solitude. The way he kisses me right now is very different from the past kisses

out a small moan. He stopped. “You like it, hmm?” He asked.

face turned


grabbed my face for a kiss. I kissed him

off and made me snaked my legs on his waist,

my hands were all over his body. All my embarrassment flew away when

and continue touching him from all over while he is kissing my neck, sucking my boobs

“Ahh.. Vigor.” I moaned.

again, he forwarded me on the middle of the bed. He is sitting in front

my left leg and kissed my toes, slowly down on my knees

on the right leg too, not breaking his eye contact with

to my feminine area, he stops. But his breath that touches that part of me sends

“Baby..please.” I pleaded.

from the very start to end. I rolled

moaned so sensually.

so expertly, playing his tongue, sucking my folds

I just

touching my boobs for support of

my breathing was up and down and I couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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