Chapter 3

The guy had a smile on his face, all suhed up, and easy on the eyes. But there was something about his gaze that put Maa on edge

She handed Tricias medicine to him, expressionless-

1ve atrady visited he just give the meds to Cristina”

Glenn raised an eyebrow, Lets go up bogether it’s been a while since we last caught up”

I’ve got stuff to do,” Maja said, handing over the meds and immediately making a beeline for the ext

Glenn watched her go He had a meaningful look in his eyes, and couldn’t resist sniffing the bag of meds

A beautful young woman showed up at the gynecologist with antibiotics and antivirals twat hard not to jump to conclusions

Glenn lowered his gaze clenching the bag of meds tightly Who would ve thought Maja who was always so aloof, could pull something so scandalous?

After all her husband had been out of the picture for three years a woman home alone was bound to stray.

But he was in no rush She would come back to the Pennyfeathers eventually He had plenty of time.

got into her cat she was stit feeling

but hesitated when she hinted at Glenn moving out. Nel felt that he owed Cristina and her daughter Tricia so he was very indulgent with

on her way home her phone started to ring. Seeing the name flashing on the screen, her mood worsened.

didn’t stop Maja took a deep breath and answered the call

Hello Ms. Casson”

caller was Selena Casson, lan’s biological mother.

her hoity–toity mother in law had always been dissatisfied with her. Maja was well aware of this, so apart from putting on

Raymond residence.

her words Afraid of Maja’s refusal she even took the initiative to say, “Maja you should know, we only agreed to your marriage because we couldn’t go against the old man’s wishes. Now that lan has taken

that the divorce was

agree. After all, what woman would willingly give up being

able to talk to

Maja’s response was neutral Alright, should

didn’t even question it she seemed very calm. Like she had

Raymond family kicked Maja out, but her indifferent

that’s all that mallers. You and lan are not a good match, he deserves a better woman. Come over right away,


he knew that the person he spent the night entwined with was his soon–to–be ex wife,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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