Chapter 30

Just as George finished speaking, several shareholders also echoed.

“George is right. It’s the same to my side. Everything is messed up! The work that requires three people to finish is now weighed on one person. Who can stand it?”

“If it continues, I think MY Corporation will go bankrupt sooner or later!”

“Frankly, Ms. Schneider, even though you were the one who

established MY Corporation, you haven’t been actively involved in the company for these past few years. Whatever your intentions are, you need to proceed step by step, rather than attempting to accomplish everything at once!”

Briana didn’t reply to them. Instead, she said to Melody with an indifferent look, “Show me files about the business that Mr. Landry and his department have been engaged in.”

George’s face changed, “Ms. Schneider, what do you mean? You don’t believe me?”

Briana received the files that Melody handed to her. She chuckled and said, “Mr. Landry, I trust the data more than your personality. After all, the data won’t lie to me.”



file that the department

three of which have deadlines half a year later. Two projects started

to me, but you should reflect on why there were so many people in your department, but you

already in the final stage, and now others have projects on their hands. We can’t let others leave their work to clean up these

business. You don’t have to report to me about how you will arrange it. What I want is the final result! In addition, your department has not got any business for our company so far this year. If those departments under you are unable to generate revenue for the company, I will consider shutting down those

at Briana. “Ms. Schneider, this company is not yours alone. You can’t be so

earnings report at the

looked at George with different eyes. Those who intended to make trouble for

make quarterly and annual plans for each department. At the end of the year, if any department’s process

shut down.”

one was going to utter a word, Briana got up, “If

and there was only chilling coldness

was busy with the company’s affairs and didn’t have much contact with Maxim. The two met every day when they went out and when they came back

After work, Briana went directly to JM Studio to pick the evening

as Briana entered the mall, she met Kiley and Kendra, who

all changed their

stared at Briana, saying coldly, “Briana, what’re

to take care of

only treated Kiley as her daughter-in-law. So no matter how 88 tried to frown on her, she didn’t put

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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