
Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Meeting Kelly Again

Bruno nervously wiped his sweaty forehead. He scolded himself inwardly for being impatient.

After Kaze moved into Horizon Mirror Mansion, Bruno had many more

chances to flatter the man.

“Yes, yes. I’ll tell my men to prepare the necessary documents.”

Kaze nodded.

Bruno breathed a sigh of relief and immediately left.

“I have to go to the washroom,” Kaze said to Snow and went ahead.

was smart enough

Kaze, who impersonated the chairman the other day? What are

washroom, the strange

in his ears.

her heels clacking, came over

in his way. He smiled and said, “I am here

at him with disdain. The

front of her.

knew Bruno Bandino. The man was the general manager of Heavensward

Heavensward Group for the position of the general manager’s secretary, but she



Kelly scoffed.

accept orders for expensive mansions. Each

really funny. You came here to shop for furniture? Can

a job. You wasted the favor of the chairman just like that, so what else can you do? You useless thing I bet you’re here to interview for the security guard’s

makes two of us. You are also here to


general manager’s secretary, a much higher position than yours! You stupid security

the sécurity guard here, don’t tell anyone you know me! I am not that familiar with you!”

energy on the

and said, “Alright, you can piss off now. Stop bugging

can get you thrown out of this place! You will lose the security guard’s

will starve!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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