
Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Afraid

King Kong shouted, “You two! Hold it right there!”

Agnes was terrified by the mob of gangsters in front of her house.

King Kong strutted over and bellowed, “Are you two old hags Hector and Agnes Quint living in Horizon Mirror Mansion? You and your family are moving out today!”

“Why must we move out? This is our house!”

Despite her fear, Agnes tried to reason with the man, but the gangsters were not there to reason with her.


King Kong slapped her in the face and bellowed arrogantly, “I don’t care whose house it is. You move when I tell you to!”

“What if we refused?”

Kaze and Draco came out of the house when they heard the


When he saw Agnes covering her face, his eyes turned bloodthi

“Oh? Here’s a stubborn one.”

King Kong looked at Kaze with a grim look. “Get him! I want ten slaps on his face!”

One of the gangsters went up to Kaze, looking fierce as he raised his



could touch Kaze’s face, a powerful kick landed on his abdomen


around seventy kilos yet he was sent flying like a ragdoll and fell into

was so powerful that it crippled him for

Kong, were shocked by the


who stepped in front

were vicious gangsters who bullied the weak and they had never seen

my boss? You must have a

Draco strode over.

and stammered, “I-I am Gold Tooth’s

care about Gold

used to slap


screamed in excruciating pain putting a

his face.

he wanted to deliver

“Enough, Draco.”

their faces as white as a sheet, and simply said, “Let them go.”

back to

Kong got up with the help of his

King Kong turned

my 2009 13


you pouPIC UDIIL

out of Horizon

had just escaped death yet he was

grunted. He shot a gesture at Draco and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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