I go to see Landon before he actually does the pack meeting, I need to talk to him. I rush out to him, but he's not there, wondering where he went. I have no idea how to bring this up to him, but I need to. I just hope he believes me. He has no reason not to. Before I get to go outside, he comes out of the bathroom, I jump.

"There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you."

He looks at me weird. "I was in the bathroom. I didn't know that I needed to tell you where I go at all times.

I blush a little, thinking of him with his pants off. "I need to talk to you about Jayden. He just told me something very interesting."

"Well, he is a child and he has quite an imagination."

"I need you to have an open mind, I don't think he's imagining this because I experienced it too."

He looks at me, concerned, not really sure what I am about to say. "He told me that he gets hurt on purpose because it's the only way that he gets to see his mother."

"What come on Lilly, how is he able to see his mother she is dead there is no way he can see her he is making it up,"

"That's where you're wrong Jayden is a Healer when we die, we can see our dead loved ones."

"So what are you saying that he did it on purpose."

"I know that it's hard to believe, but it's true he did it on purpose to see his mother. He said that he gets hurt all the time because he likes to visit her."

"So you're telling me that the person who is bringing the rouges in my territory is no one other than my son."

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true he's not bringing them in to hurt others just himself, so he can see his mother because he thinks he can't I die

He looks pissed "but this time he almost died,"

"Yes, because the rouge scratched his heart, the only way we can die is when our heart is ripped out of the chest and his was showing. But he was fine because I healed him, that's why I kept you away.

I know that this is not true he would not

don't he trust me, he can talk to me,

at me, I can see the hurt in his

around you. It's something

to do this pack meeting now. I can't believe that this is my son's fault. I don't even know how to

uncertain by all the activities that have been happening that you encourage defense training, so everyone will be able to defend themselves if something occurs

you are, it could put you guys in danger. That's why you were attracted

about what happened to Jayden and

even after the way

work on that later.

front door to talk to his pack about all that has happened. He needs to reassure them that

to be his pack member here. I know that I can't ever leave Jayden, ever. My connection with him is too strong to let go. I just need to turn this pack into a safe pack to be a part

go up, and I sit down beside him trying to reassure him "what

to never see my mommy again, I don't know if I

you even if you can't see her.

did your mommy die

anything in the world, but she also died. I think about her all the time I want to see her, but I know there is

I'm scared of not seeing

now that I have you I'm not scared like I was in

myself on purpose

is feeling too well. Knowing it's not a pain that just


is having a pack meeting. He should be done in a little while. Until he is done would you like to draw with

pain. I know it is going to take time. I just hope that I can help him

can draw for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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