Wilbur chuckled. “I’ve told you not to get violent with me, or you’ll regret it.”

“Don’t listen to him, Blake. Fighting with someone like him will only taint your value. Let’s go.” Yvonne glared at Wilbur in disdain as she pulled Blake away.

Before leaving, Blake said, “Just you wait, bastard. I’m not done with you yet. You’re so dead when I have the time.”

“That’s fine with me,” Wilbur replied with a smile.

The pair left with their bodyguards with their heads held high, swaggering away.

Wilbur shook his head and mumbled to himself, “I’m looking forward to your wedding too.”

Having said that, he drove back to the house at Castlebury. After parking his car at the entrance, he cast a glance around the area and decided that he should look around and familiarize himself with the area.

The neighborhood was a pretty big one with a central garden. The garden alone was around two hundred acres, almost the size of a public park.

Wilbur reminisced on his life as he strolled about in the garden.

His parents had mysteriously disappeared when he was a young boy, leaving him in his grandfather’s care. His Dragonsoul awoke when he was sixteen, and he inherited a wide set of ancient skills.

He then went abroad, forming the Abyss Mercenaries and amassing a fortune for himself.

Upon dissolving the Abyss Mercenaries, he founded the Cape Consortium before returning to his old home in Seechertown to get married.

He did all that, only to be abandoned and humiliated instead of living a happy life in love.

Just as he was reminiscing, a voice called out from behind him, “Stop! Don’t come any closer.”

Wilbur looked up and saw a hunky man clad in a black suit blocking his way.

In front of him was a young, beautiful girl in her twenties helping an old man walk.

Wilbur frowned. “Why? Do you own this place?”

“No, but keep your distance,” The hunk said emotionlessly.

“Since that’s not the case, anyone can take

come any

one of annoyance as he lowered his voice, “Are you

man interrupted with a hoarse voice, “Out of the way! God, you’re annoying. This is a public space.

that the hunk

the old man, who smiled and greeted him.

slightly in response


Wilbur turned to look at

girl pushed up her glasses and replied, “I said

“Young lady, not everyone cares about hierarchy as you do. I

girl’s expression hardened. “What are you trying to say, huh?”

man saw that the two were about to argue and let out a chuckle, “Young man, I’m going to be paralyzed real soon. Do me a favor

him carefully

words made the girl flare up in anger at once. She pointed at Wilbur’s nose in outrage. “I dare you

Wilbur’s expression was uncaring.

about to burst into a fit of rage when the old man stopped her with

calmly, “I’m

much longer do you think I’ve got

replied, “About

She glanced at the bodyguard, who

at once and waved them down. “Is

suppose so, but who are you to deserve me telling you?” Wilbur asked

once and nodded. “You’re right. Who am I, anyways? You’d better

and promptly

the girl remarked, “Grandpa, he’s

we look like snobs to other people too? Just like he said,

up then. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re a hero who injured yourself trying to save our country.

should do that for their country. We can’t just act all high and mighty because of that, can we?” The old appeared to be

stopped in his tracks all of a sudden,

what’s your

old man smiled. “I’m

Wilbur replied, shocked.


fell deep into

army. He was greatly respected in the army and was also famous and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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