Love At The Right Price

Love At The Right Price Chapter 28

Chapter 28

It was 10:30PM when Frank returned to Springvale Place.

Tamara was sitting on the sofa in a silk nightgown while Tim was playing with his toys on the carpet, wearing a pair of pajamas. For some reason, he had woken up earlier in the middle of his sleep.

His reason was that he missed his father. Tamara gritted her teeth when she heard that-her son’s heart was completely bought over by that man in just a few days!

Tamara looked up and asked calmly, “Where’d you go? Why’re you home so late?”

Frank lifted a brow. He loosened his tie as he made his way to Tamara. The words which came out of his sexy lips in a slow and soft manner rendered Tamara speechless in the next second. “I was working overtime.”

“Working overtime?” Tamara’s lips parted in surprise. “Did you really find yourself a job?”

No wonder… No wonder he went to Cloud Industries today.

“Yeah,” Frank replied nonchalantly. His words did contain some truth in them. “I asked Harold to find me a job, so I’m working at Cloud Industries now.”

wasn’t entirely a lie; he was indeed working

knew that he wasn’t lying. The doubt she initially

of work do you do there?” she asked

question was a tough one to answer. He said after a moment

he have to dabble in his old trade if he’s capable enough for such a job? Tamara couldn’t really understand why, but she maintained an encouraging tone as she said, “You’ll have to work hard, then. I know that you’ll do well as long as you put in the effort. Just ask me if there’s

“Are you experienced in this

pro back when I was

until you scared the customers so much that

during the promotional period,”

was great as an operations manager too!” Tamara was

went on, the company would’ve become an empty shell in no time.” Tim nodded as he popped a potato chip into

a beating since you have your father backing you up these days!” Tamara stood up as she rubbed her palms together, and Tim was instantly terrified. He

“Help, Dad!”

and said, “Alright, alright. I’ve just found

She then shrugged and looked at Frank with pity in her eyes, as though she was being sympathetic since he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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