Timothy saw the things that were strewn over the ground. They were all regular clothing. Mia hadn’t taken a single branded item with her.

Hadn’t she married him because she wanted those things? He couldn’t believe she hadn’t taken any of it.

Timothy’s gaze landed on the dirty recyclable bag, and he frowned. “Are you playing hard to get again? Whose pity are you trying to win again? It’s not like Grandma’s here!”

He hadn’t let her down in any way throughout their three-year marriage, aside from not having feelings for her. He’d never been stingy with her.

Even with the divorce, he was going to compensate her a huge sum. It was more than enough for her to live a comfortable life.

Did she really want to leave, or was she just putting on an act?

Mia held her phone tightly, still processing the news of her family having found her. In the past, she’d dreamed of her family finding her one day so she wouldn’t be alone anymore.

these thoughts, but in Timothy’s eyes, this was a silent

to limp as she approached them. “Tim, she packed her things to leave but went to the kitchen to get that dirty recyclable bag to put her stuff in. She refused to

“I wanted to tell Mrs. Barrett not to use that bag, sir, but she refused to listen. She even threw the

that recyclable bag to garner pity. If people

there motionlessly as she listened to Maya and Kaleb frame her. She fixed her gaze on Timothy, wanting to know what

a sharp look and asked coldly, “Don’t you have anything

of mockery flashed in her eyes. “They’ve already said everything

her regardless of what she said, anyway. There

you learned to be content with what you’ve got, Mia? What else do you want?” In Timothy’s eyes, Mia was

I want is to be a trophy wife that spends all your

kitchen is where I’ve spent most of my time, and the furthest I’ve gone is the market. I’ve spent

papers, I don’t wanna be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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