Chapter 17

Adrenaline coursed through Sheldon’s veins as he

stared after Emmanuel’s retreating figure.

Removing troublemakers from the project falls under

my jurisdiction as a legal specialist in Cloud

Construction. How could I simply stand aside when

Emmanuel is ready to risk his life to solve the issue?


Emmanuel’s bravery inspired Sheldon to follow suit.

The latter ran after Emmanuel while vowing through

gritted teeth, “D*mn it! I’m going to give it my all even if

I lose my life!”

When Emmanuel turned around and noticed the other

man’s approach, he could not help but smile.


Emmanuel had faced life–and–death situations with

plenty of peers while serving on the front lines. Since

his return to Yeringham, Frederick had been the only

person who willingly fought alongside him. He was

pleasantly surprised to find another ally in Sheldon.

He booked a private room to prevent security from

booting them.

Now that Sheldon had decided to stay, he decided to

hire several hostesses for entertainment and asked if

Emmanuel wanted to join him.

“Go ahead. I’m heading out for a walk!”

Emmanuel rarely showed any interest in women and

left the room. He walked along the corridor in search of


His efforts paid off. He came across Elena just as she

finished touching up her makeup. She appeared to be

meeting Samuel.


Sheldon had followed Emmanuel out of their private

room. When he noticed that the latter was trailing

Elena all the way to Samuel’s room, he quickly pulled

Emmanuel back in panic.

He whispered, “Think carefully! This is your last chance!

Didn’t you see the crowd inside?”

Emmanuel appeared unfazed.

Assuming he was clueless about Samuel’s might,

Sheldon added, “Mr. Webber is utterly merciless. He has

several people’s blood on his hands! And he has a

bunch of lackeys who are crazy–good fighters! Each

one is fiercer than the next! He’ll definitely kill you if you

barge in and demand his retreat from the project



Sheldon thought his advice would intimidate

Emmanuel into rethinking his approach.

To his horror, Emmanuel replied expressionlessly, “The

project will surely be delayed if we don’t get rid of Mr.

Webber and his men today! No one can stop me from

my goal today!”

What in the world?

Sheldon was completely nonplussed.

man is only a lowly employee.

into thinking he’s Terence

more passionate

than the

the two men suddenly heard

coming from Samuel’s room.

Huh, what happened?

pressed their ears to

fell into deathly

that innocent act!

you’re just a toy

won’t strip down

than just

filled Sheldon with


that exact moment to

barge into the

turned heads. Everyone inside

room froze, staring at


on his

the h*ll

ten buff men in the room

shot Emmanuel murderous glares.

looked as though they


Samuel for

first time they encountered

into their private room.

he was


room. There were over ten

all scantily

in the corner

conflict with


her reputation in the club, Elena

down and

for her audacity.

liquid stained

dripping down her legs.

the room, she immediately

at Emmanuel upon his


realized then that he was the man who


he doesn’t work for Mr.

was clearly outnumbered

looked at

to see Mr. Webber. My


here to inform you to

of the project grounds,


everyone silent with

workers these days have some sort of death

he be stupid enough

and confront the head

to finish


hostesses, stared

though he

his gaze on the ground, fearing the

continued to

him in a different light. A man

simple character! He has both wits

Consider me charmed!

ordered, “Get rid of

return to his salacious

could hardly be bothered to

sooner his men got rid of

unannounced visitor, the better.

subordinates swung empty glass

while roaring, “Go to h*ll, you

his eyes, too frightened to

Emmanuel’s doom.


of glass breaking echoed through


Sheldon peeped through the

fingers, his jaw dropped to the

else in the

the glass bottles


across the room.

down his fists, but his eyes burned

There was no hint

So cool!

sighed in


later, a couple of

wine bottles and stabbed

Emmanuel’s direction.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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