Chapter 085 Joanne wants to harm

Lorraine and you Vivian reached out to the picture prudently and immediately got ghostly pale at seeing the face with face mask and hat in it.

Yet she replied from between her teeth, "No, I don’t know this guy."

The headmaster knocked at the table and looked at her with grim eyes, "Vivian, look more carefully and tell us the answer after thinking."

Biting her lips, Vivian decided to resist to the end.

"No, sir, I really don't know this person."

Vivian's father had donated a whole dormitory building to Shiveport High School to land a place for his daughter there.

For that reason, the headmaster actually had planned to give Vivian a favor to keep her in the school as long as she would admit her wrongdoing actively.

But who could expect this Vivian girl to be that stupid and stubborn!

"You don’t know that person?"

lightly, delicate eyes displaying

in the air with the other idly, "I've still got another one

mask that

Vivian blurted out subconsciously.

her wicked mouth corner

all over her body and

looked at her expressionlessly except Waynett


if grasped by an invisible hand at the throat, and

raised her eyebrows and

turned to the headmaster casually, "Sir, how will you handle this matter

and creating massive panic which inflict harm to the discipline of Grade 12

tears rolled down her cheeks immediately, "Sir, don’t expel me! Please! I confess what

was no reason to keep her place

expelling too

at that moment,

to the police.On top of due compensation, she will still face charges of reputational damage and privacy infringement.Oh, it’s been years since I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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