My Wealthy Husband

Chapter 21 Are You an Animal?

“Nova hates me so much, doesn’t she?”

Ewan was shocked. The first thought that came out of his mind was that Nova couldn't swim. And when he was thinking about it, there was another man jumped into the water.

With the air in her lungs became thinner, Nova felt cold all over. When she was ten years old, she fell into the water once by accident, which made her afraid of this feeling underwater. Her hands and feet were twitching and she wanted to shout, but the water poured into her nose. She held her breath and her vision got blurred. Things that happened when she was ten years old became more and more clear in her head. She was just playing by the pool, but suddenly someone pressed her into the water again and again. She could not see his face, but clearly remembered the jade ring on his hand.

Suddenly, a pair of warm hands wrapped around her waist. And then she felt a soft touching came on her lips. Some air circled in her mouth and entered her lungs. She felt so warm. She subconsciously hugged the comer, greedily breathed for more air from him, but her waist was gently pinched to make her clear. Then, the person held her swam little by little towards the light. Nova was tired and felt like to sleep, but the man held her so tightly on purpose which made her feel very ashamed and annoyed. She scolded this prodigal in her mind, in the meanwhile her sleepiness gradually disappeared.

The tranquility of the river was broken. And with the sound of the water, Jacob climbed out from the water with Nova's waist in his arms. When Ella saw Nova alive, her legs trembled involuntarily, and her face turned pale. Fortunately, it was too dark for anyone to see.

When Ewan saw that it was Jacob who saved nova, he frowned and felt uncomfortable.

Toby was relieved and said, “Doctor Wright, come and have a check.”

However, Jacob refused. He gently put Nova on the deck and pressed her chest with a tight expression. After a while, he lowered his head to give her artificial respiration. After so many times of his repeat, Nova finally choked out some water and gradually resumed breathing with her eyelashes trembled slightly. Jacob stopped with a smile, put his head down and gave her a kiss with his tongue got into her mouth. Nova was shocked. She tried to bite him subconsciously, but he moved away quickly. Nova opened her eyes and looked at him. He looked indifferent but Nova caught a little bit banter in his eyes.

When she thought of what he had done to her underwater, she felt embarrassed and tried to push him away, but he stepped back and held her in his arms.

He said in a low voice, “Without me, you would have been dead.”

Nova stopped her pushing, suddenly remembered what happened before she fell into the water.

“Ouch! Ewan, it’s painful in my abdomen!”

Ella held her abdomen and trembled. Ewan was stern-faced and hugged her nervously.

Wright, have a check on Ella quickly. She is going to get married because of her pregnancy. How can she continue to finish the wedding

coming out from Jacob's mouth made Ella felt scared. She looked up at him. He was smiling. And the emotion in her

clenched her clothes. And her face became paler after hearing what he said. Ewan thought she was in

time. When she stood up, Jacob picked up the coat and

let me introduce myself. I’m Jacob. Nova and

that, the story of them was just an unclear suppose in the newspaper. Two of them never admitted it in public. His words today proved their relationship. Even if he didn't say anything, it could explain many things between them that he rushed into the water to save Nova. The Graham family now could be

fidgety due to the glance of the others. She pushed away the man

stared at her from behind

Ella today because she knew no one would believe her. In the impression of others, Ella was innocent and kind, while she was

she was pulled on

but she immediately became clear and bit his lips. Jacob paused for a while and then kissed her more fiercely. Nova's strength couldn't support her to resist. She was as weak as a dehydrated fish in front of him. She couldn't do anything but panted, but she became more and more clear-headed and abused him

Jacob let


hair cast a shadow in front of his eyes, which made his expression


little hoarse

in a low voice, sat on the bed

like to make out with

was a very touchy person. That day when she was pressed under his body, she realized that he was trying to have a fling with


warmly, but

want to go out in your

patient hunter, staring at his struggling prey with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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