Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 31 Revenge part 2

Sabrina's POV 

"Hello uncle..." I say looking at Reginald. He was looking at me as if I grew two heads in front of him. He turns to alpha Neil, 

"You didn't tell me the new mate was Sabrina!" New uncle says to Neil. 

"Does it matter? You're a Male so that automatically makes you stronger and with that power of yours, how could she ever compete!?" Alpha Neil said to new uncle. 

Xander looked between me and new uncle. Probably trying to add things up. 

"He's my uncle. Killed my mother and now I'm going to kill him." I say right before I have a gust of wind on alpha Neil, lifting him up in the air and throwing him down, right by Xander's feet. 

"Now, you kill this one." I say and then slowly walk my way to Reginald. 

He releases his power, he seemed stronger but it could just be that I felt his power only once. Even if he was stronger, he was still no match for me. I  won't be toying around with him this time. 

I'm going straight for the kill.

I let my power out. All of it as Athena surfaces through my eyes. We were going to fight him together. 

I let my anger out, which changed the clear blue clouds to gray within seconds. The energy around us changed. My power was indeed overwhelming. 

You couldn't go about your life and ignore it. I could sense the fear coming at me in waves from the wolves around me. 

Xander wasted no time in toying with the alpha. He quickly shifted in to his wolf and mauled alpha Neil. The smell of blood filled our nostrils, fueling the pack with even more determination to avenge their alpha's mate. They ran, attacking alpha Neil's warriors without a second thought. Their loyalty touched me. The smell of blood fueled me as I started to run towards Reginald, he started to run towards me too, finally deciding to fight me. 

He was fast as he quickly got to me and threw the first punch. It threw me up in the air but before I fell on the ground, I shifted in to my wolf and landed on all four paws. 

So that was his super power. 


Athena was mad. A mad woman who wanted new uncle's blood. Thunder erupted in the skies, confirming my anger, making new uncle look up at the sky and then at me. The punch was painful but with Athena's anger, there was no room to dwell on the punch of the century. 

I started walking towards him, each step was followed by lightning and a loud thunderous sound. The skies got darker. 

He now knew that was definitely me. 

He ran at me again but this time, I was ready for him. He shifted before he got to me and jumped at me, trying to bite my neck but I quickly shifted back, resting on my one knee so I could stretch my arms from under him and hold his big wolfy mouth apart. 

His wolf saliva falling on me and dripping down my body. It was honestly disgusting but my need for revenge surpassed any and all feelings.

With my strength, I forced him on the ground, still keeping his mouth open and apart. 

I stretched it further as he shook his body, trying to free himself from me.

My claws came out, allowing me a better grip on him as I stretched him even further until I heard a crack and then a snap. 

I had split his head in half, his blood spilling all over my naked form. His body lying limp on the ground, lifeless. I looked up at Xander to see him, in his human form, covered in blood from head to toe, with alpha Neil's heart in his right hand. 

He looked at me with so much adoration. I could feel the love just by looking in to his eyes. We were animals. This is who we were, fighters. 

Covered in blood, his hair sticking to his face. The blood still trickling down his body and his claws out, showing me his true self. A true lycan. 


It hit me that this was the moment I was waiting for. The affirmation that Xander was it for me and my son. Right there in his true self, his chest rising and falling as his wolf calms down from that high we get from a kill, was my Xander. 

We looked back at alpha Neil's pack warriors, who stopped fighting the minute Xander killed alpha Neil. The warriors shifted back to human form and walked towards Xander. He let out a warning growl and I immediately ran up to be by his side. He took my hand in his as we both faced the warriors that approached us. 

One by one, they stopped right in front of us and kneeled. They were accepting Xander as their new alpha, which meant that the dead alpha had no heirs or anyone with legal claim to the throne. 

Xander was their new alpha. 

Xander turned to me and pulled me closer. Our bodies touching as my eyes locked with his, there was something sexual about this. Being like this, in our victory, I wanted nothing more than to have Xander take me right here and now. It made me horny being this way with him in this very moment. 

He tangles his hand in my very wet and bloody hair, leans in and kisses me. 

it all in the kiss. I return the kiss with equal

pull away for air, staring in to each other's eyes.

are mine." He says to me. He wasn't asking me, also not ordering me. Just telling it like it

as his, like animals do. We were wild beasts and in the woods, this was how it was done.

to him as he sets me down, our foreheads touching. I'm the first to pull away,

to the kneeling warriors.

we forgot about

think we would've had sex like crazy beasts had I not pulled away.

on now." Xander says and the warriors all shift in to their wolves, putting alpha Neil's body on one warrior's back as they

the pack house, I rushed to my apartment

some denim shorts and a basic white shirt. I walk out

was about to get you. Thought you might need some help getting to the bunker." He says and I smile.

the way to

we get to the bunker, we find everything in order and I take Adrastos, a sleeping Adrastos from Jill, relaying many thanks to her and the guards that

what transpired between the two

clean and smelling of his signature shower gel. He plops himself right beside me and rests his head on my


hummed in enjoyment before sleep took

turns but that's it. With a wolf's super hearing, it helps not to have a snoring dog in your ear.

call Josey. She declined my call and decided

Xander as I placed my

I have a lot to

happy." She says to me

am. I got to kill new uncle. Josey, I was able to finally put that dog

him then but you and your mercy." Josey jokes. We share some laughs and Josey

been drinking himself to oblivion and blaming himself for not being able to see that I was unhappy. It broke


still hate him though. Please tell me you won't

the phone cam and show Josey a sleeping Xander. Josey being Josey, squeals in delight, waking Xander and having miss

Josey. Who giggles and mouths

know each other and I leave them to it to go


cooking, Dorothy's family walk in and we all have dinner together. They were not expecting to share dinner with the alpha so it was a little awkward at first but once Margot and I got talking, everyone chimed in eventually

was born and be one big

head of the table, grabbed my hand gently


mouth and stands up, glass of

finally have a ceremony to welcome Sabrina in to our pack. Tomorrow, she officially becomes one

looks at me, gesturing me to do the same. I raise my glass and

Xander and the men sat around talking

Margot says to me and I chuckle.

of you but

Xander would never take a chosen mate until Jade but even then we were a little unsure and then you show

it's just Xander and I. Well, Adrastos was just bathed, fed and put to bed so we have plus minus

if Tomorrow was your luna ceremony?" Xander says as he pulls me closer to him, his nose on my neck, taking in my scent.  He

to you first." I

knew. I knew then that I wanted to be with you. It

today I'd make you mine. Seeing you at your strongest, using your human hands to split that wolf in to two, was the

the year

love again Xander, I want to love you. I want to be able to call this place home, call you home. I already feel so much peace just being here. You've been my rock in this little short time and

for you. Follow me." He says grabbing my hand and

minutes and he stops in front


and romantic. As we got closer, I notice a white screen that immediately went on and showed pictures of me when I was younger, pictures of my happy times and

of me playing with Josey came up. I was around eight years old and I was telling

we come of age Josey, we will meet our mates. It will be magical and you will love them with all your heart.' I

her mates. Before she found out they impregnated Max's mate, she was indeed happy. She was so happy and not weirded out in any way that she was

chuckle at the thought as a tear escapes

sleeps in my arms. I looked happy when I was holding him, the love could be seen there and Xander sneaked in at the

passed out in the afternoon with Adrastos, of Athena in her true form. Lastly, a picture of me and Xander laughing at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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