Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 12

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Messenger Of The Moon Goddess

Tanya’s POV:

I glance at the contract in my shaky hands unable to believe my eyes. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamed of the day I’m going to get married. Unlike other girls who dream of the beautiful gown and beautiful necklace they will wear, I dream of the handsome man I will marry. I often daydream about how handsome my husband will be and how much I will love him; most importantly, he is going to love me back, just as fiercely as I love him.

The paper in my hand has invalidated those dreams. This is no marriage based on love, it is based on interest. I cannot deny that Marco is royalty and is very handsome, but the fact that he doesn’t love me dampens my spirit. I remember my mom and how she died before I got a chance to know her. I remember Brandon and how he betrayed me. I remember how Marco saved me only to marry me out of a sense of responsibility. I love these people, but never get loved back in return. It is as though I am not destined for love. The door swings open again and Marco walks back inside.

Title of the document

“It’s a three-year marriage contract,” seeing me hold the file, Marco explains. “That means we’ll be married for three years and live together within this period. During this marriage, we’d have to be seen together in public and act like a real couple in order to make people believe, but when we’re alone…”

“…we’re just two normal persons with no attachments sharing a roof,” I f*orc*e a smile, pretending to accept the contract well.

“…there would be no attraction,” he pauses at my words, but then continues. “I’ll pay you three million dollars when we finish this contract.”

I know I should be happy with such a huge amount of money, but I’m not. I want to marry for love and not for money. It is weird though. Many girls would k*il*l for this opportunity, especially girls like me who come from Poverty, yet I’m not keen on it. I just stare at the paper, sad and struggling to hold back my tears. Marco must sense my discomfort, because he says in a comforting voice.

“If you want to think about it, I can give you a few days to…”

“It’s fine,” I hastily say and sign on it before pushing the paper back into his hands.

“I should appreciate you,” I say, gulping furiously as I try to hold back my tears. “For saving me from Rick and protecting me. I cannot thank you enough for all you’ve done for and all you’re doing for me.”

Though I am forcing a smile, I can feel the tears simmering beneath my eyes. I am a few seconds away from bursting into tears and it will be really embarra*s*sing to cry in front of a man who has done so much for me.

“I would like to walk around the capital,” I hastily say and wobble out of the room, just in time for the tears to fall off my face.

Manuel’s POV:

be so cold to her, bro?” I complain as soon as the poor girl leaves the room. “I can literally feel the room drop a couple of degrees because of the coldness in

with the cold reference?” Marco rolls his

yet, I’ve got one more,” I tease. “Who left you too

“Really funny,” Marco sneers.

bro,” I continue, desperate to press my point. “The girl

replies. “It’s better I

beauty? You see how that dress hugs her curves, god! If I were a man, I’d be worshiping

then,” Marco replies with the same coldness

on. “Why not go

grunts without saying anything, seemingly not agreeing with my proposal. Yet, he


Tanya’s POV:

capital for a couple

am sad about my predicament, worse still, I am upset that I am sad. Marco has saved me from Rick, protected me from my family and made sure I am comfortable. It will be perfect if he loves me, but I don’t think I have any right to demand love from him. I feel really sad that I am beginning to like him while he shows no affection for me. I am walking unconsciously through the city, and nothing catches my fancy, until I come upon a big building. It looks ancient, yet, it looks very new. It is built with white bricks and has two tall towers flanking it. Instead of normal windows, it has stained glasses of

window is a different painting of the Moon Goddess, the most powerful deity in Wolf history. I used to hear stories about the beautiful

my troubles and walk into the temple. The sun reflects into the building through the colored stained glasses and lights up the temple. It is just like I’ve been told. A huge, beautiful statue of the Moon Goddess stands at the altar and overlooks the neatly arranged temple. The temple is almost empty save

a few minutes pondering my situation while praying to the Moon Goddess for strength and clarity. I am just about to leave the temple when I catch sight of a very small structure at the far end corner of the temple and I instantly recognize what it is. I used to hear stories of how the Moon Goddess gives advice to confused Wolfs through the

the structure, lean on the cushioned railing and turn towards a small veiled window. I can slightly make out a figure beneath the dark veil and it is

the voice of a young boy, “sorry,” the smooth voice wheezes and coughs again before turning into the voice of an old woman. “That’s not right,” the voice rasps and coughs

alright?” I ask, uncertain of what

young woman replies behind the veil. “Now tell the

a man…” I

have unintentionally had s*e*x. How he has saved me from my cruel family and their wicked plan to sell me to Rick, a s*e*xual pervert. How it is a marriage

in the wrong room,” I

voice says. “You would never have met. The Moon Goddess does what’s best for us and she has led you in the

doesn’t love

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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