Sinful Love


It took a total of 4 hours and 30 minutes till they arrived at Selena’s house. It wasn’t a big house, a simple double storey house with a reasonable yard. The jeep pulled up their yard and the house door opened up before they could get down from the jeep. Two large build man was already walking towards them with a wide grin. Selena ran towards the first man who looked much older, grabbed his neck and jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist. She is so small in his arms, covered with tribal tattoo. He gave her a long, hard kiss on her cheeks before she lay her cheek on his shoulders

“I miss you, dad…” it came as a muffle.

“ I missed you too, baby Bambi…” she chuckled.

“Hey” another man said with discontent from behind and Selena dropped down from her dad.

“Hey bro…” she extended her hand for a shake but that man with an irritated look pulled her hand into a hug as he carried her off ground

“I thought you said no more hugging” her voice came restrained due to the forceful hug.

with a laugh. He placed her down and wrapped his hand across her shoulder, hiding half of her body with his. Zaden felt so jealous of their interaction, how freely they can show their affection to her or call her by a nickname or being able to say ‘I miss you’ without getting a weird look from her. She turned around to see Zaden already walked close to them with

Kai. Zaden, Grandpa Kai, my dad Leonardo and my dear brother, Aaron” they shook their hands and introduced themselves. Leonardo first question after that was where her friends

I didn’t

practically their whole life. There were a portrait photos of her as a baby, pouted her lips as a drop of tears rolled down her eye and the moon mark were then just a dot. A weird photo of her in teenage, sleeping in a fetal pose on top of a car. Another photo of her wearing an oversized sunglass, oversized heel, a handbag and a red lip, wearing nothing but panties made Zaden huff a laugh. The thought of having a baby just like that made him blush. She seemed to be the type that lives her life to fullest, everyday counts as

lovely, isn’t she? Ow how I wish I could have been young. I would sweep her

supported him by his arm and gently helped him to

take a bath, you stay here. Don’t go snooping around.” He said

at the end of the corridor. He is wearing a white t-shirt and light blue jeans which reminds

headed to Grandma Genesis’s place which was across the town. Her hand had just grabbed the jeep handle when another jeep similar to theirs, pulled up to their yard. Her friends got out of it. Selena shrieked and ran towards them, so did they and hugged each other in the mid-way. They were touching Selena everywhere, Jewel turned her round and round. Orion stepped out of

you ok? “

did you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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