Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 32

Chapter 32 A Weird Cook

In the house, a few wooden tables were placed. On one of the tables, four people were sitting around.

It was Audrey, Doreen, Henley, and a girl dressed in a formal dress.

Audrey looked at Hazel and asked in surprise, “Why are you with Gerald?”

Hazel smiled and said, “He went to my Internet café and happened to help me solve a problem. I wanted to thank him by taking him to Mr. Dirden’s to have a meal. I hope Mr. Dirden can cook for us!”

As Hazel spoke, she looked inside and asked, “Where is Mr. Dirden?”

“We have just informed his disciple. Mr. Dirden is still sleeping. He should be up now,” Audrey said.

Gerald was surprised and asked, “There are only a few of us here. We should be able to eat, right?”

“Not necessarily,” Hazel sighed. “Whether Mr. Dirden is willing to cook or not depends on how much he likes us. If he is not, he will not do it. Moreover, he might like you this time. The next time he sees you, he might be unhappy again.”

“He’s such a weird man.” Gerald was speechless. He thought to himself, I feel that his temper is even weirder than those old men and women in Night Watch.

Beside Gerald, Henley curled his lips and said, “Isn’t he just a cook? As long as the money is enough, I don’t believe he

won’t do it!”

After Henley finished speaking, the expressions of everyone changed slightly. Audrey hurriedly said, “Henley, don’t speak nonsense. Mr. Dirden is not the kind of person who craves money, and he does not lack money…”

Henley laughed, but he still acted accordingly and did not continue to speak.

“I heard today that Audrey brought her friend here. I was prepared to give you a good meal.” At this time, a loud voice


Immediately after, an old man with grey hair and rosy cheeks pushed open the door from a room nearby.

He was dressed in a white chef uniform. Beside him was thirty–year–old man. Although he was in such a normal

house, his chef uniform was very clean and flawless.

friend of mine doesn’t know much about

glanced at Henley and said coldly, “The store is not open today.

“8,000 dollars!”

a gesture of eight and said lightly, “If you

turned his head and

on his face. He looked at Kaven’s angry

could not help but curse in his

Henley, no one in this world did not like money. Money could settle everything, and

Audrey and Hazel frowned.

when he

dollars!” Henley continued

Gerald provocatively, as if saying, “Can you take

you are going too far!” Kaven suddenly growled, turned around, and walked directly

and said indifferently, “Mr. Dirden has gone to rest. He


won’t cook. Everyone, please go back. Moreover, everyone here today doesn’t have to come to the small store to eat in the future. From today

many things that money can’t buy. We dare not provoke all of your rich people, but

expressions of Audrey

he doesn’t wanna cook for us. Let’s go. It’s the same if

somewhere else to eat.”

both frowned. Audrey glanced at Henley and said,

sighed and said, “Gerald, let’s go too. It seems this isn’t our

opinion, Kaven was too pretentious. Kaven was just a

cook for money.

to get Mr. Dirden to cook for us,” at this time, Gerald suddenly

frowned and looked

doesn’t wanna make it for us even though I’m willing to spend 32 thousand dollars. Just you? You were just a construction site worker in Los Angeles before. Are you planning to move a few bricks in


and looked at

Dirden is already very disgusted with us. Don’t cause

happened,” Gerald said with a smile. “By the way, I just saw that Mr. Dirden’s right

the middle–aged man at the door of the room heard Gerald’s words, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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