Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Confession of Love

Walking out of the elevator, Gerald felt refreshed. Even the air was much better than usual.

From beginning to end, he did not mention where his money came from.

He didn’t care about what Irene’s family was thinking at all. As long as Gerald had money, this family would regret it!

As for why he got so much money, it was not a big deal!

Yes, just as Gerald thought, at this time in Irene’s house, the whole family fell into silence.

Mary covered her face and said with an extremely ugly expression, “He dared to hit me. It can’t be settled like this, absolutely can’t!”

In her heart, Gerald was still the same person he used to be. It would not change at all because he slapped her. “Mary, we ask Gerald to do us a favor. Your attitude is really bad. He is no longer Irene’s husband,” Mike complained. Now that Mary made a fuss, Gerald would probably not help Mike. Then Mike had to replace the logistics company, and the price would rise a lot. For his company, it was a huge loss.

Mary gritted her teeth and said, “Look at Gerald! I don’t know which rich woman has taken a fancy to him. That woman is really unlucky!”

Irene supported her. At this time, Irene felt a little complicated. She thought of that day when they divorced. When Gerald went to New Bank, the bank staff offered him the VIP seats…

Then Gerald was with Keira. They always went to the Marriott Hotel. After that, Gerald became the boss of Glory


Before this, she always thought that this was just a coincidence, but now, she felt that it might not be.

After all, the change in Gerald’s temperament in this period of time was obvious.

She felt that in the past, even if Gerald divorced, he would not be able to raise his head in front of them, let alone roar

at them and even slap Mary.

Of course, it was meaningless to think about all this now. They had already divorced, and Gerald would never change

his mind.

At this time, Gerald hummed a song and walked out of the building.


At this time, his phone suddenly rang. Gerald looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number. Gerald answered the phone. On the other side of the line, a slightly strange voice sounded, “Guess who I am?”

Gerald said speechlessly, “Ms. Herman…”

Audrey curled her lips and said, “Boring. How could you know it was me? Come out, OK?”

Gerald was slightly speechless. He knew what Audrey was thinking. This woman was just so curious. She was very curious as to why Bradley would be so obedient to Gerald.

self. The first time they met, she was like a goddess. Then she seemed

father only has you as his daughter. You have to learn how to manage a company. Otherwise, no one will take over his company

business. I will take you to see

lit up. “Beauty? I don’t care if girls are beautiful. I just


spat, hung up the phone, and then sent a message to

anticipation appeared on his

why he was willing to go out was to ensure Audrey’s safety. After all,

target now.

was a very strange organization. They were a group of killers. In the top ten of the assassin rankings in the

was to use all kinds of methods to force or negotiate so that some rich people in

take the subway to

Gerald revealed a smile on

behind him.


probably guessed who did this. It was either Adriel or Matthew. The people he had offended recently were only these two people who would do

pay much attention to it and took

a very tall office building. When Gerald arrived, he looked up

written at the top!

this Bradley’s company? It seemed that Audrey planned to

urge to

in front of this building, there was a large group of people

The confession of love!” Gerald was

scene, it

of it. There were two rows of people standing next to the car. They held balloons in their hands, and there was a heart–shaped candle in front of them. Besides them, there was a large

time, his phone rang. He picked up the phone

answered the phone and said,

arrived yet,” Audrey said

company? Are you kidding me?

down to pick you

phone, Gerald squeezed

later, a burst of music suddenly sounded from the stereo beside

Seine River, coffee from the left bank! I have a cup in my hand, attracted by your beauty… Dear, I love you. From

business building, and more and more people gathered at

himself, really? They really spent a lot of effort on this! The

suddenly pushed out of the doorway. Gerald thought, the female lead

stunned. The person pushed

is going on?” Gerald

she seemed a

facing Gerald, she was now just like the first time Gerald had seen her at the Marriott Hotel. Her expression was slightly cold. At the same

I’ll record a video for her!” Gerald took out his phone

squeezed into the front of the crowd, raising his phone

soon. When she saw Gerald holding his phone with excitement, she couldn’t help but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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