Chapter 16

Rosalie went silent and nodded, sobbing.

She knew she would get no advantage for staying any longer.

She also understood that Genevieve was not as easy to deal with as in the past.

Genevieve withdrew her gaze with disdain and looked politely at Leonardo. “I’m sorry for ruining your mood today. I’ll make it up to you later. Why don’t you go and change your clothes first?” she said apologetically.

Leonardo nodded and glanced at Anthony, presumably still having some concerns.

Anthony pursed his lips. After hanging up the phone to ask someone to pick Rosalie up, he looked back at Leonardo grimly. “I’ll ask someone to investigate thoroughly,” he said before leaving.

As soon as he left, Leonardo breathed a sigh of relief and could not help but complain, “Where did you invite this big shot? Isn’t Rosalie a drama queen? I have been in the industry for so many years, and no one dares to set the stage for me!”

Genevieve smiled coldly.

She admired Rosalie for making Anthony trust her without any boundaries. She had to admit Rosalie had brilliant tactics,

Since the dinner would not be able to go on that day, Genevieve and Jasper arranged for someone to escort the

others out.

The two were the last to leave.

When they got off the elevator, Genevieve’s high heels accidentally got stuck. Jasper immediately supported her subconsciously and squatted to take her shoes out.

Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “Thank you, Jasper.”

Jasper’s heart skipped a beat when he saw her smile, and he immediately lowered his head in embarrassment. “It’s

what I should do, Ms. Lawrence,” he replied.

Anthony witnessed that scene from not far away, and his expression turned gloomy.

The next second, he walked wide strides to reach them.

Genevieve was startled when a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Seeing that it was Anthony, Genevieve frowned slightly and became more alert. “Mr. Hoffman, haven’t you gone

home yet?” she asked.



Chapter 16

willing to let Rosalie leave alone at such a late

unfriendly manner with a

him. How many men do you have to change around you?”

happily with a man, and that should be

rose in his chest.

out why she had not forgiven him even after


instantly darkened, and her

divorce? No matter how many men I have around me, It has

gloomy at the mention of divorce.

his name on the divorce

eyes darkened. He gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and warned, “Don’t go too far! The divorce hasn’t been announced yet, which means you’re

hearing his words, Genevieve gave him a ridiculous look and thought, “How could he have the gall to say

on me, yet he still has the nerve to accuse me. Is this guy an

roll her eyes. Afterward, she glanced at Jasper and said, “Let’s go.”

nodded slightly and was about to carry Genevieve’s bag. However, before his hand could touch


unreasonably angry. He grabbed Jasper and punched him in

the face

the corner of his mouth and

his body. He looked at the man, who had been intimate with Genevieve, condescendingly, and the

stood in front of Jasper with a cold face.

the palm of her hand

grim, and the mark on



gloomy look. There was a faint chill in his eyes.

hesitantly said, “Genevieve…”

was shocked. He could not believe he had a

was something that had never happened

he lost control of his emotions was puzzling

chill in his heart as he felt

him for that man.

alt for me

me,” she said.

lips apologetically. “You go out first and walt

at Anthony, nodded, and

be hard to ask Anthony

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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