Chapter 21

Everyone looked over.

They observed Louis standing there with a sneer, his demeanor cold. A phone in his hand recorded a video, suggesting he had been in such a position for quite some time.

Rosalie instantly collapsed to the ground, her face pale, hands clutching her clothes tightly.

The next second, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

When Anthony looked up and saw Louls, his face instantly stiffened. He narrowed his eyes with his gaze carrying hints of scrutiny and sharpness.

“Louis?” he asked.

It seemed that he was well aware of Louis‘ identity.

“Mr. Hoffman, it’s been a long time. Wait, we have never met, Louis responded.

Louis fixed his gaze on Anthony with intensity, accompanied by a peculiar smile. His inherent coldness seemed deliberately subdued, giving him an easy–going appearance.

Although the two men shared some resemblance, it was now easy to distinguish between them.

Anthony exuded a cold aura of arrogance and unapproachability.

In contrast, Louis concealed his emotions in a way that made it difficult for people to understand him, creating a barrier that made it hard for others to get close.

The next second, Louis put away his phone and strode toward Genevieve. He then handed the phone to her.


“I recorded everything. I think you will need it,” he explained.

He didn’t intend to exchange more pleasantries with Anthony.

Genevieve was caught off guard by it. Despite the surprise, she smiled gratefully at him.

“That won’t be necessary. I don’t need to explain to anyone,” she said.

She chuckled, turned around, and left without sparing Anthony a glance.

Louis smiled and followed her.

The next moment, he suddenly put his arms around her shoulders. Genevieve stiffened in response. She was about to break free when Louis whispered, “Don’t you want to settle things with this woman once and for all?”



Chapter 21

Genevieve was stunned by that.

She turned her head sideways and scrutinized him with her emotionless eyes.

‘Louis seems to know something, she thought.

Louis smiled casually, and emotions were difficult to discern from his hazel eyes.

‘Let me help you,” he said.

Genevieve stood still and refused to move

at him with a

you were well–informed of many things before

wouldn’t make sense why he would record the incident to get evidence in the

forehead. His gaze carried meaning.

just want to protect you,” he

proclamation of confession. She simply

a hint of affection in his hazel eyes, but it seemed deliberate. Genevieve smiled and then looked

I can handle my own business. There’s no need to

and was

soft and low when he spoke

child of Rosalie is not Anthony’s,”

Her expression changed slightly, and she looked back

of her, his tall figure enveloping her. A faint hint of a cold smile


lying to you. Only you paid the price for this fraud. Ms. Lawrence, I really want to help you,” he

you find out?”


and looked straight



Chapter 21

How is that possible? How would Anthony raise another man’s

ridiculous!‘ she thought.

secrets, emanating a dangerous vibe, but she desired to get closer to him

uncover the truth.

that she would react in this

find an opportunity to verify

at the hospital door. A faint shadow

to arrive to pick him up at that time.

for a moment and was about to get into the car when she


with Louis?” he questioned.

Matthew to escort the injured Rosalie back to the ward, disregarding

shoulder and couldn’t help but wonder

become so intimate.

also held the suspicion that it was deliberately done to provoke

indescribable emotion in his chest. He felt irritable and depressed, but he couldn’t find

it out.

Genevieve’s face w

didn’t have the intention to respond to


the intention to verify it too.

she could get in, someone grabbed the door and said, “He’s not

and laced with warning.

face devoid of expression, and said coldly, “It’s none of



close. She then started the car and left



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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