I was almost finished my work for English class and I was pretty proud of what I had wrote so far. I didn't have anything to do after Jake left so I go stuck right in. I hadn't heard from him but I hoped everything was okay. School was almost over so I knew Alanna would be here soon.

Saving my work I closed my laptop and got to my feet. Staying home sick from school seemed like a good idea this morning but I was climbing the walls.

I was bored.

Boiling the kettle I made myself a coffee. The dark nights were coming in. It wasn't even half four and it was already pitch black. I didn't like the cold but I loved winter. I loved the freshness of the air and how it smelled.

Hearing my phone ping I made my way back into the living room. I was hoping it was Alanna telling me she was on her way.

'Sorry honey running later than expected. There's money behind the fridge use it to buy dinner. I hope you're feeling better'

I wanted to know what it was she was getting up to and where she was going. She was never home anymore, I wasn't getting to see her as much as what I used to.

My phone started to ring.

Alanna was calling.


"Hey are you home? I'm just about to pull up".

"Yes I'm home just come in when you get here".

"I'll see you soon".

The tv was on but I wasn't really watching it. It was more just for some background noise. I was scrolling through Facebook when she arrived.

"Brought you a little something". She grinned handing me a paper bag. I could already smell the chocolaty goodness. She had brought me mini cookies and I couldn't wait to eat them all. "A little thank you for making training a little easier this morning".

Taking a bite I frowned at her. Why was she thanking me? I didn't do anything. And training? What was she training for?

"Whatever you said to Jake changed his mood completely. Wait has he been here today?". She asked.

"I asked him to go for coffee".

"You went on a date?". She grinned.

"No he came over for coffee. I took your advice about getting to know him". I shrugged.


"It was nice Alanna, he's nice. It's weird because when I'm with him I feel safe. He makes me feel things I've never felt before". I felt a bit embarrassed because I didn't really know him. How can I feel this way about someone I knew nothing about. I couldn't understand exactly what it was that I felt.

"So you like him?".

I could feel my cheeks get warm.

"We'll see". I smiled.

out a folder. "This

I missed detention. Rolling my eyes I bit my lip as I took

My stomach dropped. Of course he did. I wasn't looking forward to that.


so I have to go. Do

"Oh it's okay you-..."

mom and tell her you're coming. She'll

my feet. "We only had coffee stop making a

She replied as I

my hair I pulled it back into a messy bun. That would do, I was only going across the street. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I slipped my feet

you wore glasses?". She asked handing me my

time". Putting my jacket on I went about making

"Good to go?".

the door and it was secure. "Will

him already?".

mood when he left earlier". I shrugged "And

froze when I heard it. "What was that?". I panicked. It sounded like the mournful howl

arm. "Come on". That was definitely not nothing and then I remembered the conversation

there wasn't any wolfs around here right? Something was off I noticed that the day I moved here.

mom grinned. "How are you sweetheart?". She pulled me in for a hug and I was

thank you. I hope

a seat, would you like a drink?". She was the mom of all moms and she was stunning. "Yes please water is fine". Taking off my jacket I hung it on the back of my

open space. I loved it. "So are you settling in okay?". Placing my

that bad, yes I still missed Florida but I

also knew I was struggling a little. "Alanna was saying some of the girls around here haven't

to learn to keep her mouth

big heart

at least I was going

She winked just as Alanna finally

spiked a little. I was excited

"I'll help". I offered.

you sit there I need to talk to you. Alanna".

Talk to me about what? I was nervous,

like my son

she came across as the mother that would

lame, I felt put on the spot. "He took me for a burger". I added.

you've been hanging

my forehead. I was sweating. I had no

must like


He was here.

"Go get

your bathroom?". I asked

where the bathroom is". Following behind him I couldn't stop my

his eyes he stopped at the top of the stairs. "Straight ahead

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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