Chapter 37

Thalassa shut her eyes tight, so nervous her toes were practically curling. But the anticipated kiss never came.

“Heh… Lysander chuckled lightly, his warm, husky breath brushing against her lips, carrying an overpowering presence and a faint masculine scent.

Thalassa’s heart pounded Suddenly, her eyes flew open to see the man’s handsome face magnified before her, so close that she could see the pores on his skin. His skin was good, firm and elastic, devoid of any blemishes. Though it was smooth, it wasn’t the delicate kind like a woman’s but carried a uniquely masculine charm

His attractive thin lips curled slightly, even his deep-set eyes were smiling. He was so good-looking it took Thalassa’s breath away.

He was already handsome when he wasn’t smiling, but with a smile, he

Thalassa was dumbstruck, blinking in surprise.

What was he laughing at?

Why was he laughing?

She was a little dazed and at a loss.

She wished she could find somewhere to hide, but there was nowhere to go.

absolutely captivating

the wall, not daring to move an inch. She finally found her voice, but it came out weak and feeble, “Mr. Sinclair, this is a restroom,

she sounded like she was playing hard to

wanted to

front of Mr. Sinclair that she could barely muster the strength

go of her chin,

look and then walked out of the

that was her game. Voicing her refusal while her actions were

crafty, catching people off

fabricated evidence to prove that she was the one rejecting him and he was the one relentlessly

tight, catching even David off guard, getting him to

just bewitched by her She was saying no with her words, but her body language and tore

the end, John was so smitten he couldn’t extricate himself.

times he had trouble controlling

Lysander had deliberately moved close to

her eyes,

saw through

partly to test her, partly

couldn’t afford to lose control over this woman again.

time, he had kept

feeling good about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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