Got over his porn star pretty quick.

Daniel takes in my appearance rather obviously.

“She’s not your usual type?” he smirks as the two men greet warmly. Eyes openly undressing me.

“She’s definitely yours though.” Jake smirks, nodding toward the disinterested bimbo, reminding him of their purpose here and Daniel grins. I instantly dislike him.

He’s tall and well built, like Jake, but he has sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He’s handsome in a classic American way but something about his features make him seem shifty. Sleazy maybe.

The other girl looks bored; dark hair cascading over fake breasts, standing tall in stilettos and a short playsuit. She’s picking at her red nails as we move on, following Daniel back into the hotel.

Jake keeps hold of my hand, casting a glance back at the lenses pointed in through the glass entrance, he throws an arm around my shoulders shielding my face from view and I inwardly freeze. My lungs contract and refuse to function.

“Try to relax … You’re tense.” He smiles down at me, close enough that most would assume he kissed me lightly and I know he’s trying to give this impression. I hold my breath, suddenly assaulted with how good he smells and feels so close to me. It’s unexpectedly sensual and the intimate closeness sends me into all out-panic mode.

I react without thinking, to lift a defensive hand to his chest as my heart pounds crazily, ready to push him. I’m overwhelmed and scared. I don’t like the proximity; instinct taking over. He grasps my fingers with his free hand and holds them gently, shielding my reaction and making it look like something else entirely.

I focus on my breathing trying to block out the creeping fear running over me.

Don’t fall apart, I scold myself internally. Hold your shit together, Emma. It’s only pretend and he’s barely touching you.

“I have a room.” Daniel winks at us as though implying something is going on. I almost pass out.

“I figured I would have a use for it afterwards.” He throws a glance toward the leggy, bored, supermodel, who looks like she’s as excited for that as she is about being here. I grimace and flush at his insinuation.

of the elevator and throws me a smile, like it’s meant as praise, but I don’t respond, too busy trying to calm my pounding heart rate and

get to the desired floor and follow Daniel; he already has his

of ordering a breakfast menu … I know you like to eat, Jakey

I’m sure Emma

hadn’t had time to eat this morning, but I’m not sure how he could even

on me have left permanent heat where he laid

to stop

Chapter 5

will want to recap. I listen intently to them thrash through proposals and possibilities with enthusiasm and can see that these men are genuine friends. They have a rapport you can only find between men who know each other well. Sarcasm and banter interlaced with business talk.

legged that Daniel Hunter has not concealed his open appraisal of me, his eyes following my legs and arms intrusively as Jake outlines some points of business. He makes my skin crawl and I’m doing my best

between them. The friendship seems genuine, but

back and comfortable in all surroundings, even at work. Right now, his feet, crossed at the ankles are on the low coffee table, he’s sitting low down in the armchair like an adolescent with his forearms resting on the arms of the

fidgety. Sitting straight up on the couch and leaning forward away from the back. He moves a lot when he talks and behaves over energetically when his interest is peaked. I wonder if he’s a firm member of the “Charlie” culture among the rich and famous. Cocaine use is common; I’ve seen a lot of it in the ladies’ bathrooms at the Carrero glitzy parties, events, and promotions. I glance at Jake wondering if he’s someone who uses it too and get

to inhale sharply. I’m beyond mortified at my

abdomen is

Daniel and we’ll meet again. Next time more formally to discuss this further.” He shakes Daniel’s hand and they hug in a very

your fathers in the

we on for a drinking session when I get

jokes as they stand

up on the pretties. You’re pretty useless solo.” Daniel laughs and pushes Jake in

just like your pretty boy smile and fat wallet, Princess.” Jake pinches his cheek and is rewarded with Daniel’s middle finger. The humor is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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