The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 6

The Claiming by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 6


To say that things were tense after Alpha Typhon walked into the dining room would be the understatement of the century. The smug smile fell off his face as he felt the animosity from nearly everyone in the room. No one thinks that he should be allowed to participate. He mistreated one of the few remaining Alpha females and now she’s dead. None of us can afford to lose any of our remaining females, especially not Alphas.

He had gotten some food, but he didn’t last long in the dining room. I can’t say I blame him. The hatred pouring off Seth was palpable, causing everyone at my table except me and Elijah to leave. When Typhon had finally looked up and saw the raw fury coming from Seth, he intelligently decided to leave.

Title of the document

“Looks like he got himself a new Beta.” Elijah says quietly to me as we watch Typhon and another ranked member leaving the dining hall.

“Hope this one knows to watch his back.” I reply.

The next morning over breakfast, the excitement is back. Today we get our first glimpse of the females in this year’s claim. Not only that, but they’ll be also interviewed on stage for us today and will answer basic questions about themselves and their positions in their packs.

is that will be up for claiming. They will also

members. I expect that a large majority will exclude themselves from the other lotteries in the hope of

is high. But I

line of guards that will keep us separated from the females along with a separate area set aside for the claimants pulled in the lottery. While the omegas will only

from last night takes his place on the stage in front of a microphone. “Good morning, everyone. Welcome to this year’s Claiming. I am Elder Carson and as you are aware, I am in charge of making sure this year is

set aside for The Claiming, you will be disqualified at best, put down at worst. Rest a*s*sured I am absolutely serious about this. Neither I, nor mv team of guards, will

to our Master of Ceremonies for this year’s Claiming, Beta Michael.” Another man walks onto the stage. He’s as old as and rugged looking

all begin

and Beta Michael steps

about we get started with the

vehicles. As we watch, a guard gets out of the passenger side of the first SUV and opens the back door. An omega exits. She’s beautiful and has raven black hair and dark green eyes. There’s a moment where you can see that she’s overwhelmed by the sheer number of wolves that are here before she pastes a smile on her face and waves

surrounded by guards as a chorus of wolf whistles vibrate through the air. As she moves out of the way, a second omega steps out. This one has dark blond hair and even from here her eyes are stunning. They are almost the color of lapis. Another beauty. She smiles

second is escorted to stand beside the stage with the first. This one instantly pulls on my instinct to protect. As an Alpha, I feel the need to protect all my wolves, but omegas in particular as they are the weakest of

have the intense desire to protect that last omega?” Elijah

so. I hope whoever claims her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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