The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 15

The Claiming by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 15


When we gather the second night before dinner, the air is crackling with frustrated energy. I don’t think anyone really thought through the idea of having so many unmated males in one place. Add to that, what amounts to a large number of females together in this small space and it’s becoming a recipe for disaster.

Elijah and I are standing on one side of the room, watching as the atmosphere continues to become more and more tense. The omegas and warriors are impacted the most, making it worse, but I can see that some of the ranked members, even some Alphas that are starting to feel the effects of all the testosterone in the air and the smell of the females so close, but currently unattainable.

Title of the document

When all hell breaks loose, I snarl in the mind link to my pack members to sit their a*s*ses down. It’ s what every ranked member here should be doing, but it’s becoming more obvious as time goes on that many of the ‘Alphas’ don’t deserve their titles or have gotten their titles because there was no one else in their pack who was able to take on the role. I don’t know what their packs look like, but it’s causing mayhem here. There aren’t enough leaders to control this mess. At this rate, we’ll all be dead before anyone can claim a mate.

When 1 see a group make an aggressive move to the rooms where the social gatherings are occurring, 1 rush forward, intent to make sure the females are safe, but also wanting to ensure that no one forcibly marks one of them.

I hear the snarling and growling before I hear the shots start to ring out and my anxiety ratchets up. There is a push of bodies trying to get into the rooms, whether it is to take advantage of the chaos or to help protect the females, 1 don’t know. Probably some of both.

1 watch as Seth forces his way forward, checking the rooms and continuing. I begin to follow him, a*s*suming that he will be looking for Jara. When I see her, something in me relaxes. I watch as Seth thanks the Alpha that was in her social gathering Based on the look of her door and Beta Hana’s, they had the most aggressive attacks.

When Seth offers to escort Beta Hana out of the chaos, I step up, seizing an opportunity to escort Jara. I want to touch her. No, I need to touch her. 1 need to know that she is unharmed.

“Thank you. Mason. I’d like to check on the others.”

“Of course. Based on my quick a*s*sessment as I made my way here, they are fine But let’s check on them. They may need your Alpha aura to feel calm and safe again.”

We get to Mignon’s room first. She has had the most time with her group, since her lottery was picked yesterday. When we arrive, she is allowing the one ranked member in her group, a Beta, to console her.

“Mignon? Are you alright?” Jara rushes to her. She is in the lap of the Beta tucked up against his chest. She is holding on to him and crying while he attempts to calm her. When he sees me, bares his teeth in warning and a low growl rumbling in his chest.

escorting Alpha Jara. She wanted to check on the

sees her. pulling her into a

awful, attacking and trying to get to me. I think…” She sniffles. “I think they killed one of the men in my

I look at the door again,


“What happened?”

look. When

back at Mignon. “Do you want me to get your guards

eyes full of adoration, before shaking her

coos at her. “I won’t let anyone

to know each other and choosing each other, not this

happens to Mignon

clear. Alpha. Neither you nor Mignon have anything to worry about. I

lowering her

is throwing the group into a rut. It’s possible that some of them are trying to fight their baser instincts but they only have so much control Before these attacks broke out, I could feel the change in the atmosphere The stronger the testosterone m the air, the more wolves will respond.

looks up at me with those

to Layan’s room. The scene here

having Layan on his lap comforting her, he has her behind him, snarling and growling at everyone else in the room. Layan is curled into a ball, shaking and sobbing hysterically. The guards in the room

before 1 have a chance to warn her. The Alpha

seeping out and I can tell the Alpha feels it too. He looks like he might comply for a moment before lunging at her. A shot

my aura overlapping with

her and pulls her into her arms, rocking her as Layan cries. My gaze never leaves the wolf in front

together Alpha. You nearly cost yourself your life today and you put Alpha Jara at risk.

She orders and the timber of her voice has changed, her wolf s overlaying with

racing out of the room. I hear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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