The convenient Bride

Chapter 33: My Husband Is More Handsome Than You


"Thank you!" Rosiley tried not to laugh. She had realized who he was, so she sat there and listened. Otherwise, she would have told him to go away.


"No, I'm telling the truth. Are you free at noon? May I take you to lunch? We can know more about each other.'


Now that Rosiley wasn't displeased, he decided to strike while the iron is hot.


"..."  Now Lane could only pray for Payton.


Rosiley laughed, "you're good at chatting up, aren't you?”


"Miss Tang, what are you talking about? It's not like I can meet a girl like you every day. I may seem like a playboy. But in fact, I'm very loyal." Payton defended his reputation seriously.


Lane rolled his eyes. Obviously, he disagreed with him.


Rosiley was amused by his serious expression, “Alright, even if you are loyal, i'm afraid I can't have lunch with you."


"Why?'' Payton was shocked.


He was handsome and was always popular among girls. He never expected that he would be rejected one day!


"Because I'll have lunch with my husband. Otherwise, he will be unhappy. What a pity!" Rosiley said, pretending to regret.


Payton got astonished, ˆYour... your husband?”


"Yes, l'm married.'


blinked and smiled


didn't know what


the girl he had a crush


affair with a married woman, but he still


She was beautiful and had fair skin. Her innocence made her a fairy. Moreover, she didn't wear any ring. It was impossible


Rosiley in confusion and said, "Miss Tang, was




meant it


easily draw girls'


honest. I've lived for over 20 years.


Payton was very

him on


even more beautiful


think my husband is more handsome than you. lf you don't believe me, look back. He is


in the




and widened his eyes in disbelief, "You... you mean he...he...




little startled and burst into laughter,


Sachin slowly walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "You accosted my wife as soon as you came back. Nice try,'


words astonished Payton. He pointed at Sachin and then Rosiley.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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