For the past hour, Jeremiah had been seated inside his car, just sulking and staring ever so drowsy-eyed at his upper-crust apartment building from the safe confines of the parking lot. In fact, the man was so sleepy that his head nearly hit the steering wheel in front of him. The very instant he caught himself, Jeremiah quickly gazed around to see if anyone else was in the lot passing by before he reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a bottle of pills. The man twisted the cap open and dropped two pills into his left hand before downing them both without any aid of a liquid.

From there he wiped his scruffy face with his hands while listening to a strange engine pull up beside his own vehicle. It was a sparkling new Delorean. Jeremiah had never noticed the car parked in the lot in times past, but there were always people coming and going out of the building, so one more unfamiliar car wasn't going to subtract another year from his life, he thought.

Right before he was about to turn his vehicle over a familiar face opened the odd looking driver side door of the Delorean and got out. Jeremiah took one glance, and then much to his dismay took another.

"Jeremiah," Paul, without his beard, and adorned in a brown, leather jacket stared strangely at Jeremiah's car.

Jeremiah could have driven away, but without notice, the will to cut on the ignition had all but vanished at that point. He gave up. Rolling down his window, Jeremiah smirked, "Hey, funny seeing you here."

"Yeah, it sure is, buddy." Paul stood back and eyed the car. "I, uh...I just dropped by to see how you were doing."

Chuckling, Jeremiah glanced behind him in the backseat at all the books before saying, "We haven't seen each other since July, and you just happened to be in the neighborhood?"

Paul just planted his hands into his coat pockets and said, "Look, Jeri, I've been really concerned about you. I was just wondering if you and I could talk."

"Well, as a matter of fact, I was just about to go inside and have some lunch."

"Good, we can talk in your place then."

Jeremiah turned to the building before him and responded, "Come to think of it, why don't we talk out here? My place is a bit of a wreck."

Nodding his head, Paul walked around to the other side of Jeremiah's car and got in.

Jeremiah sat and studied his old friend with a grinning contort. "Isn't that funny? I'm the one that has the beard, and you don't."

Snickering, Paul replied, "Yeah, that's a real trip."

The two men sat and watched as two young women got out of their cars and carried on towards the building before Paul eventually spoke up.


"Who me," Jeremiah pointed at


and began grinning, "Look at you. New threads, new face,

line. Cost me a

the vehicle. "At first, when you got out of

just chuckled before saying, "Jeri, I didn't come all

did you come all the

about what happened back in July, but

"Really," Jeremiah looked subtly stunned. "Were you concerned when


"Is that right?" Jeremiah's tone grew. "Well, as you can very well

I can see that. I can also see a man who has all but secluded himself from society. What are you doing with yourself anyways,

these days? I'll tell you. I spend the remainder


you can call on him, too." Jeremiah indignantly

"Look, Gloria was a damn basket case. Ashlandview gave me bits and pieces of her. She had no reason being let out of that place

his head to Paul, Jeremiah asked, "Do you honestly believe I've been grieving over her all this

"Well, I—

right before my very eyes.

night and feeling sorry that you

the backseat; it was right then Jeremiah felt two sizes small beside a

you heard in those tapes was fascinating,

Blushing, Jeremiah said, "Yeah...yeah,

what the hell is this all about?" Paul pointed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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