Chapter 16 Chance Encounter

Nicole walked away in style. Ingrid’s face was pale, and before she could
react, Quinn cursed loudly on the side and told the waiter to clean up
the mess.
“Is this b*tch Nicole crazy?! How dare she do this to you?”
Quinn spoke viciously. In the blink of an eye, Nicole had already been
led by the manager to the VIP room on the other side of the restaurant.
Ingrid’s hair and clothes were soaked through with red wine.

She looked
wretched. When she returned to her senses, she was so infuriated that
she wanted to go after Nicole to settle the score, but she was stopped
by the waiter. “Miss, do you need a change of clothes?”
The surrounding patrons stared at the miserable-looking Ingrid, who
stomped her foot indignantly. “I won’t let her get away with this!”

Grant Stanton was in a bad mood after that encounter, but Nicole was
not affected in any way. She looked up at Grant and smiled. “G, I have a
shopping date with Yvette later, do you wanna join us?”
The man gave her a sidelong glance and his tone was cold. “How are
you still in the mood for dinner and shopping? Look at the Fergusons’
attitude towards you! They’re so condescending!”

Nicole looked down and smiled helplessly. A hint of coldness flashed
across her eyes. “It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to take it to heart.
It’s over anyway. They won’t mess with me anymore. Even if they do,

I’m certainly no longer the pushover that will let them do as they

they came out of the restaurant. Ingrid, who was sitting in the car, quickly pulled Eric out the first moment she saw Nicole. She cried and complained. “Brother, she did this! I was so humiliated just now because

Fergusons. Eric’s face was gloomy. He did not believe that Nicole would become so mean. When he thought about Wendy’s false accusation against her, he was afraid of causing another misunderstanding and waited for Nicole to come over

and looked at her with a frigid face. “Nicole, you should give us an explanation for what happened

also did not care about Eric’s attitude. Eric’s grip tightened, which made Nicole feel uncomfortable. She

to look at him with her beautiful eyes that permeated a chill. “Mr.
Ferguson, are you trying to settle the score for her?”
“Brother, don’t let her go! This b*tch dares to treat me like this, so you
can’t spare her so easily!”

had never been insulted like this before, so naturally, she refused to give up. Eric’s eyes darkened slightly and frowned at

trouble in the past, Nicole would apologize for it and would sweep the matter under the rug, but this time, Nicole did not want to condone their transgressions. “Mr. Ferguson, do you also

check the surveillance footage at the restaurant to figure out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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