Derek went to talk to principal Albert. He tried to convince principal Albert to allow both Moon and Ocean to attend their exams from Kart's mansion, but he wasn't listening. Derek told him that Moon was sick but he didn't want to fail in his last year. Of course, Moon was one of the most genius students and was a topper since his first year. Hearing Moon's excuse, principal Albert allowed Moon to attend his exams from home. But he didn't allow Ocean.

Derek was already worried about Moon and he knew, only Ocean could keep him in control. An idea popped up in Derek's head. He offered principal Albert five years' donation for the school. Principal Albert couldn't refuse to take this opportunity. It was Moon's last year, and of course after exams, Mr Kart would stop supporting the school. But this offer was huge. Principal Albert finally agreed to let both Moon and Ocean attend their exams at home and in return, Mr Kart would support the high school for the next five years. The deal was settled, both men stood up and shook their hands. Derek promised to get the official papers done as soon as he could. Principal Albert nodded his head. Once everything was settled, Derek bid his good bye and went back to his car.

Mara saw Mr Kart walking towards his car. She stopped him in mid way to ask him about Moon. Derek didn't have much time. He had to reach the darker part of the forest before noon, so he could get back before dusk. The darker part of the forest wasn't safe for anyone after the dusk. Derek just gave her a deadly look and went to his car. He stepped into the car and quickly drove off. After a three hours drive, he parked his car in front of a familiar cabin. He stepped out of the car, took a deep breath and went to the door. He knocked at the door three times and waited for a while. He was about to knock again when the door shook open.

He saw her familiar beautiful face. She was old but still so beautiful. As stunning as she used to be. Derek again lost in her beauty. She noticed his eyes all over her. She cleared her throat loudly, to wake him up from the dream he was lost into. He shook his head and smiled. She invited him in and he stepped inside the cabin. She shut the door and led Derek to her drawing room. She sat on her single couch and Derek sat on one of the couches in front of her.

Derek: Nothing changed in so many years. How are you Vivian?

Derek asked as soon as they both settled into their seats.

Vivian: I am as I always have been. You tell me, what brought you back into the darker part of the forest? After so many years.

Vivian asked suspiciously.

Derek: What else could bring me back to you? It's my son, Moon. He is… not fine, Viv.

She could see his tired eyes and worried face.

Vivian: What happened to him?

She asked and leaned back.

Derek: Even since he had turned 18, he is acting weirdly. He is always angry and aggressive. Now he is getting weak and sick. I am so worried about him.


is already on his way to

he come here? He knows nothing about this part of the

Derek asked in confusion.

Zeus is the strongest Alpha I have ever known. You can't imagine his power and his strength. He rules every single corner of New Orleans. No other Alphas dare to step into his territory. Two days ago, Alpha Zeus came

started laughing. Derek

I don't understand, will you

the most calm person like Moon was being aggressive. I have sent him where he could find all

explained in a serious

I don't care about them. Moon chose us over

Derek replied happily.

his biological parents. They were strangers who wanted to take Moon for

face changed it's colors as he

do you know they weren't

Derek asked in horror.

few hours after his birth. That's why he was sent away. He was lucky that you both found him before he would have ended up

tell you anything about

replied with

tell me

shrugged her

Derek: How?


I am an enchantress, Derek. I don't need you to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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