Two weeks passed since I had visited my mother with Moon. I was happy to know that I had a mother. After the death of my parents, I felt like I was left alone into this world. I was thankful that God had granted me another family. I had a big brother in that family who would rip anyone's heart out if they would dare to harm me. I had a mother who always looked after me. I had a father who would protect me from every evil eye.

With Moon by my side, I was fearless and carefree. But Alpha Zeus would not let me do anything. Ever since we came back from my mother's cabin and told Zeus everything. He became extra cautious with everything. He hired his friend named Lucas to train Moon. Lucas was a vampire, just like Moon. As for me, Zeus was handling me. He said he could train me better than anyone. And that was right.

Whatever he was teaching me, it was better than whatever Moon had learned. I was able to defeat Moon in battle easily. Zeus was still annoying us with this mating thing. He said we should have waited until the ceremony. While Moon's mother would shush him saying that we were born to be together. That we did not need any mating ceremony. It always annoyed me wherever he said that I did not have control over my body.

To be honest, he was right. Moon was like a part of me, apart from me. Ever since we had mated with each other, that missing part in both of us, that hollow was filled with love. As my mother had told us, we did not go back to her cabin to meet her. I knew she must have her own reasons to keep me apart from her. Otherwise, which mother would separate herself from her children.

I was so drowned into my thoughts that I did not realize when our training was over. Zeus pulled me out of my thoughts when he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face. He chuckled and shook his head. My cheeks burned as I knew Zeus had caught me dozing off. He gave me a bottle of water and I downed it's cold content in one go. I was more than thirsty. Zeus was so tough with the whole training thing. He said he needs to teach me everything he knows. I did not argue, as I knew he was doing everything for my safety.

I was sitting on a bench. He knelt down on the ground in front of me. He cupped my face and captured my lips in a loving kiss. As I tasted his mouth again, all my tiredness vanished away. It felt like I had taken an

somewhere else and have your moments together. Do

threw a bottle of water towards Moon. Without even looking at the bottle, Moon catched the bottle. Moon grinned as Alpha Zeus rolled

believe that a handsome person like Alpha Zeus had not

fun mood was long gone and a serious

him that question. He is my brother and I know him very well. He will not be happy at first. And second, you know nothing, what kind of devil

years I had spent with Moon. I gave him my cheeky smile and nodded my head. He then smiled

up and Moon grabbed my hand. He pulled me into the mansion. We went to our bedroom and Moon took me to the

us that we had to be ready for the time when the darkness would unleash itself upon us. Something inside me was screaming that it would be the same darkness that I had been dreaming since childhood. No matter what but I had to be ready before that darkness would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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