The Tormented Soul

Chapter 18: leave me alone

Aleera's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and my head felt so heavy because every move I did felt like I was going to pass out again. I moved my head to the left slowly and found Darius sleeping in one of my armchairs. Has he been here all night? He must have because he has the same clothing on as he did yesterday. As I tried to sit up I felt a sharp pain in the area when I punched in the glass piece yesterday.

I took off my duvet to do some inspections on my wound when I found a bloody bandage on. I sighed and pulled the duvet back on because I got cold when I took it off. I looked at Darius again and called out to him.

"Darius, wake up,"

Darius woke up after I called for him once. He got up from the armchair and came over to me in a flash.

"Alea, how do you feel? Are you in any pain?" He asked. I could hear the worry for me in his voice too.

"Yes, I am fine. I just feel some pain here.” I pointed to my stomach. “By the way, why were you sleeping in here and not in your own bedroom?" I asked him.

Darius reached out his hand and took mine as he looked straight into my eyes.

answered back and then he took a deep breath. I could see he was upset.

you again. You can't keep doing this to yourself or to me. I can't and I won't live without you." He said with a sad tone and he looked

back together again. You deserve a woman that can love you

you need to talk or have a shoulder to cry on. I want you

will be or if I even want it, so please stop talking about love. Can

but I am not going to leave you alone, not until I know for sure that your suicidal behavior is gone." He said back and he had a

I said in a

you will no longer be alone and

a prisoner again." I said back to him.

and you are not my prisoner, you are my mate. And what do you mean by a prisoner again?" He asked me concerned. Why did I say that to him?

Just get out and leave me alone. I don't want any of you near me." I said back to him. I turned my head away from him and pushed myself off the bed, it hurt like hell. At lightning speed Darius was by my side and he grabbed my arm and turned me around so I had to face

you to deal with your past alone. You need to talk to me or to someone." He said back to me and I don't know what came over me. I could not stop myself before my hand came in contact with his cheek. When it had sunken in what I did, I screamed at


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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