Chapter 4 Cooking Noodles
Unbeknownst to everyone, Maria had narcolepsy.

In fact, she also didn't bother saying this to her new family.

But because of this disease, she had the tendency to sleep more than the normal duration. Sometimes, it could even go up to twenty-four hours.

When Maria had a narcolepsy attack, she wouldn't be able to prevent herself from sleeping on the spot. This meant that she could be prone to accidents or even suffocation.

This was why the consequences of her condition could be fatal.

Unfortunately, Maria had a relapse soon after she moved in with the Jenkins family.

She was only supposed to take a nap, but when she woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

No one came and tried to wake her up. Hence, Maria wasn't able to have dinner.

"Lily, is there anything else to eat? I overslept, and now I'm hungry."

Maria found Lily in the living room, so she asked her for some food.

"Oh, you're finally up. I thought you're not going to wake up anymore!"

Lily said sarcastically.

"Anyway, Mr. Jenkins has taken Miss Jenkins to a concert, so they won't be home until later tonight. Besides cooking, I also have to deal with all the other house chores. You missed dinner, but it's not my fault. Don't expect me to cook for you now. There are noodles, vegetables, and some meat in the fridge. You're from the countryside, right? I believe even you should be able to cook a noodle dish for yourself."

For someone who also came from a poor family, Lily thought that a bumpkin like Maria should at least know how to cook.

After all, they had no one else to rely on but themselves.

On the other hand, Maria couldn't help but look at Lily, who said that she was busy with the house chores.

actually sitting on the sofa and watching a drama show on

munching, Maria could only roll her eyes hard. Only a fool would

I'll make something

no choice, Maria went straight

receding figure,

Mr. Jenkins really think that she can boss me around? I don't think so!" Lily scoffed coldly, mumbling

were qualified to treat her as a helper around the

hear some

brows. Although she couldn't see it in person, she somehow wondered if Maria was actually more skilled at cooking than

pride in her cooking. After all, it was the

later, a spectacular fragrance

Lily took a whiff of it,

What was Maria cooking?

on earth could a simple noodle dish smell this

Lily's eyes narrowed,

That was why even a simple dish could smell

satisfied with my cooking. Then, maybe they will

She couldn't wait to make it come

and waited patiently for Maria to come out. When she heard the footsteps coming from the kitchen, she

What did you cook? Let me

kindly towards Maria, but the smile on her face was replaced with disappointment and confusion when she saw Maria came out of the kitchen

Maria answered without any hint of interest in

I know. But where is it?" Lily asked, her

already ate everything. I told you I was hungry." Lily's face froze upon hearing this. On the other hand, Maria just walked past her and went to the front door. "I'm just going out for a walk and have some

regained her senses when Maria closed the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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