Chapter 10
As the minivan drove into Dream’s Waterfront, Andrius got out.

Lyra waved at Andrius. “Bye. If you have the time, please visit my grandpa’s clinic. I’ll make you tea.”

“Of course.”

He arrived in front of Luna’s door. Right before he knocked on it, the door opened.

Luna pulled a long face and stared at Andrius, saying, “I have a curfew here. If you had been five minutes later, you would’ve been sleeping outside.”

“It’s my first time in Sumeria, so I thought I would have a walk around the city,” Andrius said.

“Come in.”

Luna sat on the couch, crossing her slender and fair legs. Andrius was slightly stunned by the alluring scene.

“Get up early tomorrow and follow me to my grandfather’s place. When we are there, I call the shots. You have no right and are in no position to say anything. Understand?” Luna warned Andrius sternly.

“Mm-hmm,” Andrius simply hummed a reply.

Luna got up and went upstairs. Right after she locked the door of her room, she received a call from her father.

“Luna, have you talked to Andrius about it?”

“Don’t worry, Dad. I’ve talked to him. He won’t say anything tomorrow.”

Right before Luna went to bed, she double-checked if she had locked the door. She even kept the baton taser and pepper spray next to her bed.


having breakfast when they

Andrius with a friendly smile. “Andrius, how are you? How

used to the city,” Andrius

sudden. “Andrius, what about the matter that I

Andrius was stunned.

was confused because Luna did not tell him

looked back at

and I talked about it last night. He said he doesn’t have any experience as a manager. So, he suggested

sneaked a glance at

believe this position

beard, he said, “Very well. It’s good that you young people

a sudden. She then added,

soon arrived at New Moon Corporation’s office

down at

cleanliness of my office. I’ll pay you ten grand a

at all,”

start right

from her drawer and walked

the office was bugged!

window and enjoyed the beautiful pond further away. He loved having a bird’s eye view of things. The higher he was, the

before noon with a professionally dressed short-haired lady. The lady had a pair

her aura and demeanor familiar because only a veteran soldier could emanate such an

introduce you to Athena Starland, the ace bodyguard my father

Southern Frontline when she was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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