Chapter 19

Noelle looked back and saw Marcus. She asked coldly, “What are you doing here?”

“If I weren’t here, were you going to use that on him?”

Marcus’ heart pounded wildly. If he was half a second late, things would have gone terribly.

Aside from the fact that he could never arrange for his daughter to meet the Wolf King, torturing the Wolf King alone would put his daughter in a dangerous position as the million Lycantroops would certainly retaliate.

The thought fueled his nervousness. His forehead was glistening with sweat and his expensive

shirt was drenched.

“Why are you two standing there? Release him!” Marcus shouted at the other two officers in the


“Release him?” Noelle glared at Marcus and grumbled. “He is a suspect in a gang fight. Eight men have been injured…”

“Nonsense!” Marcus stopped her right away. “He is someone with a special identity. He did not do whatever you claimed he did, so release him immediately!”

“Special identity?” Noelle scoffed. “Tell me, how special is his identity?”

“He’s the W-”

The words were stuck in his throat.

“Heh! What’s wrong? Can’t speak?” Noelle continued provoking Marcus. “Or did he bribe…”


Before Noelle could finish, Marcus slapped her on the face.

slap silenced the noisy

looked towards

her swollen face and questioned him with


helpless. His stammering prevented him from speaking

an unqualified husband and father, but now it seems that you

of the interrogation room

personally and explained,” Sir, I am so sorry about

want to,” Marcus

you don’t seem to get along well with

the second year after I was in service, my wife passed away due to illness,

with a bitter expression, “The girl has always hated me. To her, I was never a good husband

tapped on Marcus‘ shoulder. “I’ll let this

“Thank you, sir.”

Dream’s Waterfront. When he arrived at the gate, he saw Luna standing

sent you

“Yeah.” Andrius nodded.

the couch. She looked at Andrius who was removing

“You do?” Andrius frowned.

have to admit that you are a lucky guy, saving Mayor Freely in the mountains,” Luna

that Marcus did not reveal his

once, don’t go to him anymore for any


they viewed debts of gratitude. You saved Mayor Freely once, and he introduced you in front of some of the most influential figures in the city. I take it as his way of returning the favor,

bothered. “Marcus and I

is how city people do things. It’s not like in the mountains,” Luna said seriously. She despised

realities of the modern world could think so simplistically about human nature. He really thought that saving Mayor Freely’s life

How naive!

you whether you believe me or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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