Chapter 31

“Just wait! Third Master Ringstone will get you!”

Andrius was not bothered by Hendrick’s threats.

Five minutes went by.

Hendrick glanced at his Rolex and scoffed coldly, “Punk, five minutes are up. You failed to level the Northern Point construction site. You’re dead meat!”


With Hendrick’s shout, the security guards waiting outside the room stormed in.

“Get him! Take him to Third Master Ringstone!”

The security guards rolled their sleeves up before they tried to apprehend Andrius.

However, right before they could touch him, rumbling noises sounded- outside the window, followed by the ground trembling.

Hendrick and his men frowned. “What’s going on?”

One of the security guards then said, “Sir, there are a lot of tractors



his men to go out. “Go have

outside and were shocked

were outside the construction site. The smoke that their exhaust

are you people



the ground,” Andrius’ voice rang out. He

was furious. “Kid, there’s no reason for you to go

talk too much.” Andrius interrupted Hendrick and bellowed, “You have one more minute to leave the

were waiting outside the construction

for another second and fled the

One minute passed.

fingers and commanded, “Level it


hundred tractor engines roared to life, releasing

not only the sky

moment a minivan sprinted

before the tractors.

walnuts in his hand. He roared furiously, “Who the hell dares to level my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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