Chapter 37 At the same time, Adam could not forget about Molly ever since the last meeting. Her lovely face would always appear in his mind. Her beauty and her cold demeanor were imprinted in his memory. Adam could not wait to make her his woman!

Most importantly, Dave May had insisted on passing his shares down to Molly. ‘If I can win her heart, both the beauty and the riches will be mine!’ Adam could not help but squint in a scheming manner when he thought about this.

Frank Herring, sitting on the couch in the living room, had the newspaper in his hands. He pursed his lips and said, “Adam, when are you going to set a date for your wedding with Diana?

Larissa walked out with a plate of freshly cut fruits as she urged Adam on.

That’s why I want to wait and see. Diana is only getting two percent of the shares, and Mr. May Sr. has twenty percent. That’s the lion’s share!” Adam explained. The looks on Frank and Larissa’s faces changed. ‘How is this possible?’ Larissa was confused. “It can’t be! The May family wouldn’t allow this

old, he’s still clearheaded. He’d never speak nonsense. Besides, he still holds power over the May family. If it’s really his will, then it’s likely to happen. That’s why we might really have to sit on the wedding plans,” Frank murmured as he had his own concerns as well. After all, this was not just a simple marriage. Larissa immediately looked

few kids too. I want my own grandchild, and I’d never let someone else’s child call me their grandma. Even if the transfer of the shares is

We only received so many resources and grew bigger because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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