Chapter 10 Just The Beginning

Rupert pulled his tie irritably. He bit the insides of his mouth as he stared at the moving vehicles outside. He was angry; not at Annabel, but at himself. He regretted trying to strike up a conversation with her. Rupert couldn't figure out why he was so uncomfortable whenever she was silent and ignored him. He should be doing the same since she obviously had no interest in him.

The rest of the ride home was quiet and uneventful.

As soon as the car halted in front of the villa, Rupert got out and went in. Annabel took her time.

By the time she got in, Rupert was already sitting on the sofa in the living room with a glass of water in his hand. She didn't spare him a glance. Instead, she ascended the stairs.

Rupert set the glass on the table with a thud. He grunted like a wounded lion.

Despite the noise, Annabel didn't look back or stop. She continued to walk up slowly.

Was he making a fuss because of what she said? He was so narrow- minded.

How did he manage Benton Group with such a sensitive attitude? Weren't his family afraid that he would bring the family's business to ruin?

following morning, Erica and Cathy criticized Annabel as usual

anger. They had wanted to get into a shouting contest with her this morning, but that

if she was the only one at the dining table. She then freshened up and left

a piece of cake since she was naturally dutiful. She finished all her tasks in the morning, had lunch, and then took a

When she came back,

aside, so it was obviousshe just dropped

are these onmy

emergency and left earlier than usual. You have to work on them alone. Finish it all today. Sort out the data correctly because they are needed tomorrow.

through the documents. The data wasa lot. It required hours upon hours of hard work. She would have to work overtime if

you give them to me earlier? As you

them to you now. Just so you know, I was just notified of them. Working here can be very spontaneous. You know that! Why then are you

here. As the head of this department, I have every right to assign tasks to you. If you

trying to make things difficult for Annabel. However, Annabel wasn't going to let anyone

fine. I'll handle

sat down andgot down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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