Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 13: Get The Marriage Certificate 

Scarlett’s POV: 

The atmosphere in the car was depressing, and the expression on Charles's face was so horribly icy.

I avoided his gaze the entire time and just looked out the window.

The surroundings outside blurred past us, showing me how fast he was driving.

Without really thinking about it, I grabbed on to the handrail on my door.

Suddenly, the car came to a screeching halt on the side of the road.

The force threw me so strongly forward that I felt the seat belt bruise my shoulder.

I screamed and turned to glare at Charles.

"What's wrong with you? I didn't ask you to pick me up.You should've just stayed with Rita if you wanted to.Why couldn't you leave me out of it?" I said crossly.

"We're still married, Scarlett.Why are you already flirting with another man?"

Charles muttered in a harsh, accusatory tone.


It took me some time to understand what he was talking about, but after a few moments, I finally got what he meant.

I looked him dead in the eye and backfired, "I wasn't flirting.I was talking to a colleague.Honestly, I've had enough of your overreactions.We're as good as broken up.We're getting a divorce."

"You know we haven't gone through the formalities yet" Charles emphasized.

 "What's the difference? Besides, you're not in love with me.You're in love with Rita.It's pointless for you to try and fence me in."

"It has nothing to do with love.No man wants his wife to talk and laugh with other men."

"Then that's your problem.I have the right to socialize as I please."

After saying that, I kept my eyes fixed out the window and ignored Charles's murderous stares.

None of us spoke for a while until Charles just gave up and gunned the engine again.

This time, he drove even faster.

"If you want your Rita to die without anyone taking care of her, then be my guest and drive your car like you stole it," I reminded him sarcastically as I tightened my seat belt.

Charles flashed me a death glare, his eyes narrowing into slits.

a few heartbeats, he eased off

I had known that mentioning Rita's name would stop him from acting like a

that Rita was really the only woman who easily

the door to greet us and immediately

"Miss Scarlett, is Mr.Charles okay? What's wrong

just leave him alone."

in understanding and

we entered the living room, the elders cheerfully welcomed

here.Welcome.Let's start dinner.You must be hungry after a whole day's

flashed me a kind smile like he always did and ushered us to the

at the

sat down to his right while Alice, Lawrence, and Christine took the

was served, and we

family, Michael was the most venerable

but he had always been gentle to me, and

me so well over the years, I suddenly got

about Rita and Charles going shopping for wedding dresses together while Charles was still married to me, I managed to

I would like to have Charles

stopped and turned to look at

that another day, dear.Let's just enjoy our family dinner tonight.We haven't been able

his expression that he wanted to avoid

and Christine combined, Michael did not want me and

I appreciate everything that you and this family have done for me, and I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything.I

love with somebody

that I was determined to get a divorce, Christine looked at me and asked the important

two? If there's anything wrong, you can discuss it with us.Let us help you make your marriage work.Don't act on

been a great husband to you, but marriage is a big deal.You can't

him home

been taking care of me


wanted to make me stay, but the

a home I could call my

orphan and alone in

had always believed that the only way for me to

Charles, but

the love of his life, then I would

Charles! You've hurt your wife so much that she wants

on the divorce, Lawrence growled at

and did not

our fault.We shouldn't have forced you two to get married in the first place,"

fault.I should've taught my son better about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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