Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 756: Lucy's Wedding Invitation 

Helen's POV:

"What a coincidence! I'm quite good at games that require accuracy.I don't even have to use my legs.I've opened a lot of shooting ranges, so shooting balloons is a piece of cake for me already."

Platt raised his chin, appearing to be confident in his abilities.

Luis and Polly stared at him with admiration.

They stood beside his wheelchair; one on the left and the other on the right, cheering for him already.

The other parents had already begun shooting, but none of them could hit all of the targets, because they were too far away.

Fiddling with the toy gun, Platt declared to Polly and Luis, "Watch me closely!"

The kids stared at him with unblinking eyes.

Pretty soon, they heard the sound of balloons popping one after another.He shot all ten balloons in a row.

The kids were so happy that they hopped and ran around him.

Even though I was their mother, I had never received that kind of excitement from them.

The other parents were all praises and applause for Platt, too.

Over the next activities, Luis and Polly pushed the wheelchair for Platt and took him to the competition venue.

When the other parents saw that his leg was still in plaster, they were scared of bumping into him, so they made sure to make way for him.

Platt won all of the competitions he participated in.He was a master of competitive games.

Even though they were games for children, he almost never failed.

That afternoon, Luis and Polly received the envious gazes of the other children.

Once the day was over, the kids’ arms were filled with prizes.

On our way back, they kept chattering and giggling.

basked in the

would be this fun to participate in parent-children mixers, I should've gotten married

wheelchair towards the

smile on my face.It wasn't easy to

relatively obedient kids, and yet I would still lose my temper whenever

you even

end, so I asked him to go home without me.So, my only way of getting home is to hitch a

had no choice but to drive him home first.I made sure to arrange the safety of Luis and Polly, and fastened their seatbelts for

I folded his wheelchair up and stored it into the

the time I finished everything,

our arrival at his house, he invited me and the kids for dinner

boring.Come have dinner with me.Besides, you made a promise to Luis and Polly yesterday that if they behave well today,

kids also remembered

at me expectantly and asked, "Is it

to the trunk

him out of the passenger seat

that, I took Luis and Polly out

"Alright, let's go."

happy that they even

I felt both tired and

asked the cook to serve the food to

while Luis ate in a reserved manner.I couldn't hide the smile on my face.I didn't even

went to the fridge himself to

sat side by side on the sofa, holding a cup of ice cream and savoring

they didn't eat unhealthy foods.I was worried that

some reason, seeing the smiles on their faces put me


together in the future, being friends with Platt could actually be a good

to me, "My extreme sports club has been redecorated.Would you like to come visit it with me

he meant

that he'd procure my services sometime in the future? I smiled at him and said, "Thanks for everything that you did today.I'll make sure to

home with the kids.I helped them take a shower and made them go

asleep.I had enough time to

then, Westley sent me a link.It was an invitation to Lucy's wedding.I clicked on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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