Chapter 21: Hired 

Standing in front of the driveway, Scarlett studied her reflection through the glass windows of the Third Diamond Hotel. Seeing how professional she appeared to be, she smiled while turning to Kaleb. She said, “Thank you for the clothes.”

That day was Scarlett‘s interview at the Longhills and Hogans Associates, the best law firm in the city. So instead of going to Liam’s school, Scarlett would take a mode of private transport, arranged by the hotel.

“Good luck, kitten.” Kaleb leaned over and pecked on her lips. Then after, he winked at her and said,” Break a leg… and. You look great.”

“Are you guys married now? Can I call you mommy now?” The couple both turned to Liam, smirking in front of them, his arms crossed against his chest. 

Scarlett turned red at Liam‘s suggestion and Kaleb answered the boy, “Not yet, son, but as soon as Scarlett passes the board exams, we will make the arrangements.” 

Dumfounded, Scarlett turned to Kaleb, but he just chuckled at her, saying, “We talked about it last night.” 

“We did?” She asked, utterly bemused. 

Kaleb caressed his chin. He appeared to be digging through his brain, but eventually, he revealed, “You were sleeping back then, so you probably did not hear us agreeing to this.” 

Scarlett, “...” 

While Scarlett‘s eyes narrowed, Kaleb chuckled. He suggested, “You better leave now. You want to impress Jessica Hogans. I heard she is a lion.” 


Arriving at the Longhills and Hogans Associates, Scarlett was escorted to a receiving area on the second floor of the building. Several law students were there, lining up for the paralegal job interview

One by one, each applicant was called and despite arriving second amongst the interviewees, Scarlett was hailed last. When she entered the room, the human resource associate was already gathering her things. Scarlett winced and inquired, “Excuse me, I‘m here for the interview.” 

The lady responded, “Oh, I know. Scarlett Barnes. You will not get into this firm. Haven‘t you learned your lesson? Luca James blocked you from every other law firm. You may leave.” 

“Since when does Luca James have a say in every law firm? Isn‘t the James and Powel Law firm your competitor?” Scarlett reasoned, her hand turned into a fist at the interviewer. 

“Yes, but we don‘t want to associate with someone who has a criminal record,” announced the lady. 

solid case. And what happened to the lines innocent until proven guilty?” Scarlett‘s voice could not help but raise.

as she claimed, “I thought that the Longhills and Hogans Associates was a firm that fights for the truth and cast no judgment on those who were accused wrongly. I guess you are

Law Firm? Those egoistic male attorneys are n o match for us, and we certainly are not discriminative!” The HR associate

who was looking absolutely dignified in a white dress and grey coat

eyes at Scarlett before turning to the HR associate. “Care to explain what


called me last, made me wait for three

lying,” the girl named

out,” said Misses

silence for a second before Nancy wound up admitting, “It‘s not that, Misses Hogans. Luca James banned her from entering any law

right. So it involved one Luca James,” Misses Hogans said. “Since when does

down at Scarlett and the resume in her hand. She said, “Follow me, young lady. I’m interested in getting to know you, especially since you upset

piss off the James and Powel Law Firm,

and, hearing a Hogans volunteer to interview her, she scrambled


scum!” Jessica Hogans remarked, watching Scarlet‘s viral video. ‘You were standing two square blocks away.

familiar with criminal investigations, including analyzing crime scenes. One of my

you were familiar. You are Jessica

very admirable of you for taking the case on pro bono and you really fought the Perezes, despite their

I married my husband.” Jessica acknowledged. “Isabella’s parents weren‘t rich, and I had my reasons to defend those

of my biggest inspirations to become a lawyer. Imagine a new and young attorney winning over a veteran. Not only that,

She pointed out, “Just because you followed that case, it doesn’t mean that I will

studied law. I am very organized and I take my cases at heart.” Scarlett described. “I know how important the job is and could very well make or

technical questions next, testing how Scarlett would handle situations within

including associate and paralegal relationships. In each question, Scarlett answered genuinely, all while

taking the

Luca won’t try to block me

if he does, he’ll have to come face to face with one of our associates,” Jessica said before the corner of her lips twitched. “That

what Jessica suggested. Her mouth fell agape as she tried to find the

if we need to defend you against Luca James, just so you know, I don’t do pro bonos anymore. At least it’s because I don‘t have the time,” Jessica explained.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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