Chapter 10: All I See Is You 

*** FLASHBACK: During One Of Carlos‘ Highschool Tennis Practices. ***

After tossing the ball up in the air, Carlos‘ knees flexed, and his trunk rotated at a forty–five degree angle in a pro–drop position. “Arrghhh!” He grunted as he hit the tennis ball with his racket in a powerful serve.

The ball landed on the opponent‘s service area, garnering Carlos his last points.

“Game Ronaldo!” The referee announced the win, making Carlos‘ supporters jump in their seats, cheering him on.

When Carlos took the side bench to rest, Kate rushed across the court. “Here, let me get your water.”

“You did such a good job! I‘m so proud of you, Carlos!” Kate squeaked in excitement. She was so happy for Carlos that she unwittingly helped him wipe the sweat off his face. “Kate!” Carlos groaned. “My team is looking at me now.” “So, what?” Kate replied, her eyes wandering to Carlos‘ opponent for that practice match at school. “I can‘t take care of you?”

When she saw Tyler walking in their direction, Kate‘s eyes widened. Carlos may have won this match, but Tyler had that confident walk, that sexy smirk on his face, and that warm aura he gives to most girls at school.

“Nice game, Ronaldo. Too bad you won‘t join the juniors tournament,” Tyler said. “You would have easily outranked me if you participated more often.”

“Junior tournament?” Kate asked Carlos.

“He is talking about the ones from across the state, Kate. I won‘t fly my ass there and spend for tickets and hotels,” Carlos reasoned while wiping his back with a towel.

Kate suggested, “I‘ll tell dad

Haha!” Tyler laughed. With his fist up to his mouth, he cleared his throat and remarked, “Sorry, man. It‘s just weird, you know. So if you two went

Referring to Carlos, Tyler suggested, “Since you are like a brother to Kate, then I guess you aren‘t together.” Tyler winked at Kate, and Carlos saw how she flushed at the attention she was given. Kate giggled, and she answered, “We aren‘t dating. Haha! We are just friends.” Returning her gaze to Carlos, she urged him to back her up. “Right Carlos?” Kate failed to notice how

suggested. He winked at Kate again before leaving her on cloud nine. After seeing Tyler go, Kate squealed. She shifted her attention to Carlos and

out, cutting off her enthusiasm. His brows met as he collected

just has this appeal, you know. Plus, he is super handsome,” Kate replied. “Is just the looks, Kate? Sure, he is like the perfect Ken, but can‘t you look past that?” Carlos asked, his voice strengthening. “Why

look at me the way you look at Tyler.” Finally, Carlos admitted. He looked Kate attentively in

saying, Carlos?” “Do I have to spell it out for you, Kate? I like you. I always had,” Carlos confessed. “But – but, Carlos. You are like a brother to me,” Kate stuttered in her words as she replied. “I – I don‘t see

alerting Kate. She repeatedly called for him, “Carlos?” Running after him, she

to look at her. She embraced him outright and rested her face on his chest, saying, “Tell me what I need to do to make it right? I‘ll stay away from him. I‘ll ignore him.” “Why will you stay away from him?” Carlos asked. “Because you want to? Or do you feel

up at Carlos, Kate replied, “Because I don‘t want to hurt you. And I don‘t want to lose you as my friend?

to do that, Kate. Really. I‘ll

“But –.”

This will all go away…

change between us?”

deep breath and leaned down, pecking on Kate‘s forehead. He suggested, “Nothing will change… I will always be here for you.” ***END OF FLASHBACK: Back To Present.*** Kate was taking her breakfast. She was drinking coffee at their dining table when

school‘s tennis court was just one. It made her

Carlos, and he said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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